click here to see the other side of this picture,my Japenese friends took this

I am back at the ocean. It is not sunrise or sunset but a cloudy day and the waves are big and strong. I am crying and maybe need a vacation thou in this area I feel like I am in a vacation area but looking for a job and lonlines is having its toll onme. I was supposed to write the rest of the story about maman zinat joon,my grnad ma, but don�t feel like it now,I also was supposed to write about Timsar Sanii my x-fatehr in law and x-sceratery of defence in shah�s time,but don�t feel like it. I was listening to parts of Maybodis program (this radio announcer that I talk to for years has NEVER let me answer to a reply, how just, he dose not take women serious and specially me,so I am finished with him) and made me angry. After all Iran is under attention of the world and that is what we were fighting for . What made me angry was that all guests were talking about saying no to election in Iran,What Masood Rajavi was saying the first time Rafsanjani was a candiadate way before khatami time, which was say NO to entekhabat,this election in Iran is a comedy theatre and nobody would listen. He was saying s camel would sleep at your door too(shotori keh dare khoone hame mikhabe) and meaning the terrorist activities of this regime will get to youR HOUSE. But at that time if was more popular to go to Ebi;s concert than even talk to Mojahedin, (by the way Ebi did not even sing Khalije Fars for people) . Now everybody is saying that and as if its their original idea!. Makes me sad and angry.
Those who voted to Rafsanjani,then khatami and AGAIN khatami are our enemies. Those in abroad that encouraged people to vote for Khatami are responsible for whatever killing,tortue,stonning that happened in Iran after first Rafsanjani election. Bazargan is GUILTY for accepting a religious leader to become a political leader(Khomeni). I say NO to this election, and if I was in Iran would of not left my house.
I did a lot of posting for Michael Jackson and now one posting for Mojahedin, thou I am not a Mojahed,but truth must be told and defended,same as for MJ. If you object this posting you aint a true democrat. Lets give the credit when its due. Thanks Masood for being so advanced. President George Bush,Mrs.Rice, Mrs. Cheney and even Christian AMANPOUR WHAT DO YOU WANNA GET AT , THE TRUTH IS SO OBVIOUSLY SHINING. THIS REGIME MUST GO,PERIOD.
our picture was on yahoo putting ballons at Mj;s house got to;_ylt=AtkwtjBK9oIdesDUAc7z9wfqChkF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3bGk2OHYzBHNlYwN0bXA-
If you wanna see more pictures of Michael's house go to

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