My 3 uncles(Daee ham )

I have 3 uncles. Daee houshang, Daee Farhang and Daee Bijan. They are all nice and the best uncles you can have,thou they all are not into calling but kind, intelligent and artist! Well some try to be an artist. First Daee Bijan started to paint and he really did a good job but unfortunately he never send me one of his paintings so I don�t have any unless they send me a picture of it. I remember the one that a matador was fighting with a cow and it was 3 dimentional, then the one of a mill(asiab) in the moonlight and the moonlight looked so real. Then Daee Houshang paints fruits, sceneries and sunsets and all. He painted the above picture of an alley . He did that from a picture that I gave him and imagine mixed. He did this when he came to Virginia to visit my mother that was sick with cancer and he also painted some onions and a knife per my request years ago. He is very diligent in his work. Then the bottom one is done by my uncle who is a physician by profession and only drew couple of paintings for fun in his retirement days. He painted this monet type since I was begging her dauther to paint one for me with some drops (ghatreh) on each flower) . The bottom picture is Daee Farhangs attempt to draw one. I love it and glad that I have this. Thou my best paintings come from Shirin but maybe its in our bloods to paint and my other cousins have the talent too. The middle work in this picture is my needle work cause my grandma was the best needle work artist in my eyes and she did a basket of flowers that I wish I could inherit . Now this pictures is meaningful to me and reminds me lots of memories� the one on top that you cant see is the grade of my student and her picture which is an A plus. Just in case you were wondring!.. KHODAYA DAEE FARHANG RA KHOOB KON , amen

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