I met my son once again this year...so thankkful..

I went to Monterey yesterday and saw my son and his girlfrined and her sister. A very very nice day and thank God for a very niced ay. Unfortunately all my pictures went bad and only 2 pictues came allright and this si one of them.These are peopel scuba diving there. We saw the Aquarium thanks to the sister. I enjoye being with my son and thank God for that. I also had to give congratulations from the whole family for his acheivements in his education, he is one to be proud of all right. Kisses and kisses to him and his interests. About the war... it is ridiculous, Americans hate these killings of children under name of disagreement go to this site and read about it http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14101886/?GT1=8307 ..well I should tell you the story of Dorothea Emsley fm Guniea later....

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