Why were they so much in a hurry? who are they?hya masked? well the Judge said it is illegal to hang anybody in Iraq during the eide period nad it was the eid of Muslims period. 2 u dont capture and kill,3 u accept an appeal if u are a real court 4 Muslims never shout moghtada sadr at that moment and the killers did. These killers and moghtada sadr and regime of Iran are nOT Muslims,they are 100 percent anti Muslims and agang killing for 26 years..America open yuor eyes and see why stuff happens under your nose and who does it.start from the masked men.....

Hi thats great weblog
with best wishes
Dear Ms Parsay,
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I live in Tehran and I'm 46 years old, few days ago I created a weblog with the address:
which means karton-khab or notes of a home-less
its kind of you see my weblog
best wishes
wow its scary to see the process of a hanging
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