Marg yekbar, shivan yekbar!

Thanks for your patience and we all pray for you. You can count on us,enough of fake Justice,true torture and also enough of bad winning over good and sucking their money. As for Iran lets be BRAVE cause the wall is falling and once and for all lets rise. Die once and cry once as opposed to die gradually and cry often. Marg yekbar shivan yekbar.
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يكي از طرفداران به شوخي گفت " ما در خبرها شنيديم كه در چين مايكل را به نوازش يك پاندا متهم كرده اند. اما ما فكر ميكنيم كه او بيگناه است. "
مايكل هنگام ورود به دادگاه به طرف پانداها دست تكان داد و لبخند زد.

one of Michael's fans said "Michael was accused in china for patting a panda,but we think he is innocent there too!)
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