with Bita next to Michael jackson's house

I am sitting here next to MJ�s house with lots of other fans and see the love everybody is showing to him. Pure innocent love. I wonder if it was Mick Jaggers fans how the surrounding would of looked like, that is if the fans were around, stoned and out of it. There are hearts all over thou the media like sharks that try not to say a positive comment about him are at the other side of the street. In the beginning of the road some fans put a sign saying closed to the press! Waiting game started and hearts beating for him, beating, beating�.Me and Bita keep calling each other, somebody who understands you is what is needed right now.
That was yesterday, today Bita drove from LA we went to his ranch, made signs, took pictures, a small fight with media , had lunch in grocery close by and gave my note to the guard, his personal body guard. Yesterday the brother took my note and day before his father!! Bita has a lot of CDs and is a serious fan of him and also author of emjey.com. Go check the picutres on the Farsi part of that site. There is so much LOVE around his house, I guess nobody can put him in prison with these fans, or every brick on the prison will be covered by fans! He is inside resting with his children and they all respect that. Maybe one day I can visit inside of his house.
Hello everyone. This is Bita� Roya just asked me to write the rest!
We are sitting in front of Michael�s Neverland ranch, listening to his music (D.S.). Everyone here is waiting and waiting� and it�s killing me!!!
The good thing is that we have each other and there are so many people who understand the whole situation.
Right now I am thinking �Enough is enough with this garbage�� It�s ridiculous�
All these lies about Michael Jackson!!! The same person who wrote �Heal the world� or �Lost children�� Go listen to his songs! Listen to �Childhood��
What has happened to this world?! Wake up!!!
Fight Michael, fight� you are not alone! We are here for you.

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