Saturday, March 04, 2006

Chian has forbidden spitting in public

Originally uploaded by roya parsay.
Today I heard in the News that China has forbidden spitting in the streets. Well I guess too much spitting in Public makes the town slippery. I remember one day driving in the car with my aunt and she was complaining of people in Iran doing too much spitting .That was after her trip to China that made her notice that or not I cant remember.
That is one thing I wont miss, but come to think of it such a gross habit. well we have something else in common with chinese people and that is having foods considered as heat(garm) and cold(sard). For example garlic and banana are heat and cucumber or peas are cold. I found out reading the love wife book written by Gish Jen ,suggested to me by a person who knows good books and this one is funny too.
Aalso they say I eat bitter(talkhiha ra cheshidam)if you scroll down the old posting has a lot of terminologies in Farsi and wonder what other countries say it the way we do. well I dont know why I remember emshi and pif paf too for killing the ants which I see some around my laptop. I must of left something sweet here or is it from Zorkie's leftover? dont feel like explaining that one, just as I miss some stuff from Iran, there are some that I don't miss also...khodafez....for now.BTW the sign says Dont spit in public in Chinese.


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