Happy Birthday Dearest!!

I was feeling weird and angry the whole day and thou I wrote the date on the form in this school that I was working in today, I still did not get it. Now it clicked,tomorrow is my son's birthday and if it is now morning in Iran, then now is his birthday. On this day I remember I was feeling a little in pain and was even moving furniture here and thera and I talked to my aunt, Dr. Parsay which on top of being a Secratary of Education in the ex-Shah's cabinet, she was also a physician. She said this is your first baby and you don't know of your body's reaction so go and check in the hospital. As I did I asked my husband at the time not to be present at birth time, I felt uncomfortable,and had a hunch that this would be a c-section anyway, I knew I had small hips and all... so as I was in the labor room this other woman was brought in and she would start contraction pain at teh same time as me; and stop at the same second as I did. But she was screaming "morodm mordom ya emam reza morom" and I was quiet, so nurses said go to your room before you pick up her screams. So my son's father slowly walked me to my room and as soon as I eneterd the room ,my water broke..some hot water was pouring from me, so we slowly walked back. The next morning I had a c-section and this voice is always in my head "mordom mordom... I explain more tomorrow, tonight I feel starnge,yet another birthday without him.....

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