If you're not happy and you know it don't clap your hands....

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. They had to operate on this woman and the fetus grabed the hand of the doctor,,,amasing. daee joon you are the most beautiful PERSON I have ever met in my life, you are a doctor and I am sure you know better than all of us what is happening to you. I love you, I am glad I talked to you thou it was just yes and no, I wish I could see you. How much lanat I should say to khamenei or whoever that brought him to Iran. I want to see my uncle and cant stop crying. God isnt all we went thru enough>??. I also heard Rodney that is 40 only and his wife is pregnanat is in the hospital with some kind of brain problems..God save us all....It takes a very brave,knowledgable and patient man to understand God's acts. I only wish he goes peacefully OR A MIRACLE HAPPENS AND HE RETURNS.I also pray that his wife to be in good state of mind and body.aS FOR ME A GOOD MOSAKEN OR SHARABE MARD AFKAN......TRANQUILIZER OR WINE..THOU I STARTED PRAYING BUT WINE IS MAKROOH SPECIALLY AT THESE TIMES....oh I just found out (thanks to discarded lies, that when your water brakes before child birth some of the water is the pee your child was doing in your body..another amasing fact known by God before us!p;

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