Monday, May 14, 2007
everything must be reviewed on 50th birthday..all movies and booke has to be reseen and reread......
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Thank God my son's 30th birthday
Well at last..... I spend his birthday with him, and ON the day...well one day is frogiven considering I waited 25 years for this to happen. we went to this Persian restaurant and later the candle on a zolbia was brought to us and we all sang happy birthday to him..He is a man now and and a fine gentleman. His girl friend; a sweet lady was there too and I was soooo excited that I forgot to take any pictures...I was on cloud 9 ... I cant explain more and thank to Marylin and Mo who drove and her brother that we found went to high school at the same town that my son son reside now, small world.. it but was a milestone...a spell broken and all ..Love you my dear and many happy returns....
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Babak and Yasi meet after 26 years for the first time...cousins
this woman a member of cabinet ,is killed for not having a GOOD hejab....who says what is a good hijab and what is bad? where quran has no verse on covering of the hair and none on covering the face where do these rules come from....
click on header and read the article.
Also a note on the good son and his cousin(my sister;s daughter) got to see each other after 26 years....they never met before today and that is soooograve....Down with this regime of anti Islamic of Iran for doing these thhings to us...... Kisses for both .or all.....I am glad I met him and also that they met... A good day with him and his girl friend and my niece and cousins.....regime of Iran eat your heart out...
click on header and read the article.
Also a note on the good son and his cousin(my sister;s daughter) got to see each other after 26 years....they never met before today and that is soooograve....Down with this regime of anti Islamic of Iran for doing these thhings to us...... Kisses for both .or all.....I am glad I met him and also that they met... A good day with him and his girl friend and my niece and cousins.....regime of Iran eat your heart out...
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Happy New Persian Year.....
It is our New year. first day of spring is our New Year. March 21st. I made this haft seen as a custom we make. It is a table full of stuff starting with S which salam and health start with S in farsi. The items usually are sabze=green plants , sib=apple, senjed=a fruit of passion, sir=garlic, sekeh = coin , sumac= an herb and Quran and fish and mirror on the side. Vinegar and red fish too….so I wish my son could see my haft seen. we gather around it and I give him some new money from the middle of Quran as we used to do when we were kids…. This is 29th year of being away from Iran and not being able to celebrate new year in Iran. Wish you all Happy New Persian year and it starts at 5:30 pm California time on Tuesday March 20st… eide shoma mobarak….boos boos
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
How much is Shah responsible for all this killed people?
Here is behesht zahra the cemetry for Tehran people. Most are the war's casualties. WHo should be blamed for it? a shah who left Iran cause he was sick and could not take it anymore? a king's son who for years kept quiet and did not move seriously?
I have to see yet my grand ma's grave, and then my mother's grave(in this same cemetry) and also my uncle's grave...does anybody out there understands the fact that too many Iranians have not seen therir relatives and their graves for 26 years?? to whom shoukd we say about this tragedy?? shakespear??
I have to see yet my grand ma's grave, and then my mother's grave(in this same cemetry) and also my uncle's grave...does anybody out there understands the fact that too many Iranians have not seen therir relatives and their graves for 26 years?? to whom shoukd we say about this tragedy?? shakespear??
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
watch this click on arrow to left after here
Everything you saw for the last 26 years as an Iranaian was fake, a game and a plot. Real life starts as of next year.and the real revolution in the future...ready? have the energy? or "gar ham gelei hast degar hoselei nist?" watch that video and enjoy.....
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Did Shah revolt against people or vice-versa?click here
This is the question among Iranians these days,why army was ordred to watch and in the end is Khamenei appointed by the SHah or not? how many peopel are alive to tell the story behind the story? click here
Monday, January 08, 2007
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Jallad...Nangat Baad

Takhti was always loved by all Iranians as Mossadegh was....but he was not liked by the king same as Mossadegh was not....Takhti was pro mossadegh and for that matter his budget was cut by Savak and also banned from going to any gym....thou he won gold medals in sad.... students were shouting jallad nangat bad meaning executor..shame on you after they found his body in a hotel away from his wife and son (called Babak) ... I remember my father went to the funeral that millions attende..people love a person and nobody cares about what people like...pity . to see his other picture click on header. well maybe now some are saying jalad nangat bad to Saddam's executor..moqtada sadr? why not. Here is his biography TAKHTI, GOLAMREZA
Born in 1930.08.27, in Tehran and raised in poor circumstances. He trained in a makeshift sports 2.jpg (11857 bytes) hall until he left Tehran to work as an oil worker. After being drafted into the army he was introduced to freestyle wrestling, He won his first Iranian championship in 1950, and became the first Iranian wrestler to win an international medal when he gained a silver medal in the World Championships at Helsinki in 1951, followed by silver at the Helsinki Olympics. Later he won gold in the 1956 Olympics and the 1959 World championships.
Tahkti competed unsuccessfully at the 1964 Olympics and 1966 World championships due to his being chosen for adverse political reasons. Although he had retired from competition, the government of the time attempted to discredit him in the eyes of the people with whom he was extremely popular, particularly from an anti-government stance. Though he lost in the last two competitions his popularity was not diminished.
His mysterious death in 1968.01.07 was "officially" listed as suicidal
but the popular opinion was one of political assassination by government forces./

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Why were they so much in a hurry? who are they?hya masked? well the Judge said it is illegal to hang anybody in Iraq during the eide period nad it was the eid of Muslims period. 2 u dont capture and kill,3 u accept an appeal if u are a real court 4 Muslims never shout moghtada sadr at that moment and the killers did. These killers and moghtada sadr and regime of Iran are nOT Muslims,they are 100 percent anti Muslims and agang killing for 26 years..America open yuor eyes and see why stuff happens under your nose and who does it.start from the masked men.....

Saturday, December 30, 2006
Reaction of the world to Saddam's death,ashhado an la elaha ela ALLAH
He was dead politically anyway so why hang him?The world is reacting to that bad move. In India,Pakistan,Russia, Korea and Iraq and Palestine pictures of news agencies shows anger of the world to this unwise political move just out of hatred and revenge. 3 people hung with some lawyers kiled in the process. Human koind is faaar away from justice yet nad full of hatre. His last words were there is no GOD BUT ALAH AND MOHAMMAD IS HIS MESSANGER. BRAVELY STANDING THERE.No hanging death is accepted by Europe and Asia, but isnt it Khamnei's turn before anyone else's?
O.K click here for another picture of hanging Saddam being hung by masked men. Why masked? what are you ashamed of? ooo makes me wonder.....
O.K click here for another picture of hanging Saddam being hung by masked men. Why masked? what are you ashamed of? ooo makes me wonder.....
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Having your school at chekcpoint of Israel,click

Israelis stopping plaestinian students from going to school an dthey start their school at the checkponit, now are you going to still defend Israel's governmment?click here.

Friday, December 01, 2006

This baghe gerdoo is close to my house.i love it and wish they would sell wallnuts fresh instead of dry.We used to eat as lot in Tehran . we used to figure out whenits winter or summer by the fuits in the market. what happened to some pure living any more. Cant wait to see the pictures of India from my son's trip.... :-)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
iran's michael jackson,click


Saturday, November 18, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Khavaran the dakho cemetry of regime of Iran ;a poem

�?? ??? ????? ? ??? ????�
«با نام اسلام و سپر محمد»
سارا جوزقی
گلزار خاوران را
با نام یا زهرا و یا مهدی آفریدند
نشان دادن به خلق جهان
مهرومحبت و بخشش الله را
با نام اسلام وسپر محمد
خود را آیت الله وحجت الا سلام نامیدند
سیه دلان و کینه توزان آزادی را حزب الله نامیدند
وارونه کردند بسم الله والرحمان الرحیم را
قتل وکشتاروعذاب را به جایش نهادند
عدالت گری ودادگری را
با تیرباران و اعدام نشانش دادند
تجاوزبه دختران قبل ازاعدام را
دفاع از حق زنان وپاک کردن گناه نامیدند
به صف کردن و تیرباران دگراندیشان را
بدون محکمه و دادگاه
نزدیکتر شدن به خدا و دادگاه الهی نامیدند
با اينهمه اجراي عدالت پس چرا ؟
پس چرا ؟
در دل تاريکي شب و پنهان از ديگران
پيکر بی جان و دست شستگان از پست و مقام
در اين جهان و آن جهان را
گروه، گروه با کاميون حمل کردند
و در خاوران در خاک نهادند.
? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ??????.

Friday, November 10, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Latest on Michael Jackson,click

I wish I was in England for Nov.15th. why cant anybody give me a plane ticket for my birthday? I heard Michael Jackson is having an acceptance of an award ceremony there.I feel like Europe these days....well click here to see the rests of the clip about Michael Jackson...kisses for the king .can I have wishes on my b-day?On a serious note killing of Sadam would not be right,but letting the KKK go free?also separating jews and arabs is seggregation to me and WRONG....capish?