Shaban Jafari(Shaboon bi mokh) died

He was the man who has reputation of stabbing people with knife or sending his gang memebers to stab people. Some say he was a child abuser too, but the most disguidting thing he did was stabbing Dr. Fatemi, the best friend of Missadegh nad his commerade while Dr. Fatemi's hands were tied by Savak, sahaboon jafari stabbed him. he also helped Shah to come to power ad Mossadegh was sent to prison for life in his house in AHMAD ABAD. wE CONDEMN HIM FOR THAT AND FOR THAT MATER WE CONDEMN MRS. HOMA SARSAHR FOR WRITING A BOOK ABOUT HIM AND CALLING HIM A HERO, MAKING THE NAME SOF HEROS BAD.A WOMAN THAT COULD OF WRITTEN ABOUT SUPPRESION OF WOMEN IN IRAN CHOSE TO WRITE ABOUT A MAN (NAMRD) WHO SATBS PEOPLE WHEN THEIR HANDS ARE TIED. PRO MOSSADEGH PEOPLE NEVER FORGIVE SHABOOM JAFARI(BIMOKH=NO BRAIN).READ MORE BY CLICKING ON HEADER...

Drood bar shoma
khanom Parsay aziz, man taghriban
har rooz weblog shoma ra mibinam,
man yek adam maamoli 45 sale az iran hastam, bar konid matlab shoma dar mored bi-mokh besiar jaleb ast, hezar drood bar shoma
Sohrab az iran
I know an old gentleman who as young boy, his friend and him were both molested by Bimokh but was supported by him during their youngen days. They both were hired in the Iran airline as pilots with the help of Mr. Bimokh despite the fact that these 2 young adults did not have even high school degrees. The 2 men served in Iran Air for 30+ years and are still best friends although one lives in Canada, and the other in USA.
My name is Shahin Mojtabai. I share your sentiments about Shabun Bi mokh the RAPIST. I would like to link your blog to my artistic blog. I'm a painter in LA, the land of Shaban bi mokh worshipers. My website is
, kheyli kheyli khoshhal shodam. I have a painting of Mossadegh that is an original. please see it on my website. thanks
The oil painting of Mohammad Mossadegh (by Shahin Mojtabai?) is a worthy tribute to the man.
The face reveals his humanity, his honesty, his intelligence.
Charles Douglas Wehner
kamelan movafegham.albatteh ketabe khanoome sarshar ro nakhoondam ke nazar bedam.bad nist darbareye injoor adama ketab neveshte beshe ta mardom bishtar mottale beshan,vali dige hame midoonan shaboon bimokh ghahreman shoma movafegham.
To the Person who wrote Fuck Mossadegh, you should at least have the stones to show your face when making that kind of an adhominem attack.
Come on Son, don't be a complete coward, at least stand up and proclaim your stance with Pride.
Hiding behind an anonymous tag only shows that you're either a troll or completely embarrassed by your positions.
Fuck Mossadegh? For what? Having the courage and foresight to try and preserve Iran's dignity and Natural resources on the world stage, which also trying to help the country become more progressive and modern? That's why you attack the man?
Shaban Jafari was at best a Cartoon character who has no inherent value to Iran whatsoever, just a Dalghak who bullied others and fronted as a tough. At worst, this jackass hick was a child rapist and responsible for overthrowing the ONLY legitimate and Democratic Government Iran has had in its History.
We used to see this dolt stumbling around Westwood in his later years literally hanging his head in shame whenever he passed by a group who recognized him, but what could we do then? Confront an old man? He's a pathetic part of Iranian History and good riddance that he's made his way off the stage.
to see what kind of "followers" (moreed) the likes of Shaaban bimokh have just google Shahram Ali Shayesteh to see a proud moreed of Bimokh (per his phone call to that crazy political arsonist Saeed Sakuee's show on April 7, 2009, 5 years ago, at,,,Shayesteh is currently in federal custody for yet another criminal indictment in addition to the several before for money laundering, drug dealing and threatening a public official over a city contract for his towing company. LOSER!
You should be ashamed of speaking about Shahram Ali Shayesteh who was a wonderful man and backed his community. You are unaware of all of the amazing things he has done for children and people. You should recheck your facts because he was not doing money laundering nor did he get indicted for drug dealing EVER. You probably don’t like him because he refused to do business with rats like you. Have a good night .
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