Bar gerde bar o bame doost parvaz konand-flying around the house of the beloved.

Michael jackson fans objecting to the way news covers lies about an innocent man. They know the root of the lies better than anybody, since they very closely follow MJ's moves. They will not accept it period. Also they are writing a letter to the Governer Schwarzenegger asking why a woman lying on her papers of welfare,while having 150000 in her account(the mother of the child accusing MJ), is not arrested or has it been legal to lie on welfare papers and we are not aware of it yet? I put this picture on the moving bathroom (john) of the press and the picture will be posted ASAP. Good luck system answering these aware,persistant and loving fans from all over the world ! see more pictures on or,the click on news, and then click on entertainment . I wrote on the door of MJ's house, decorated by hndreds of fans with hearts and ribbons and wheats and love signs, emamzadeh mikael!
Believe it or not Jury had a half day cause they had graduation of their relatives to attend. They are only exposed to lies in the news while in outside world! how Just.
Also for the first time women are allowed to go to football stadium in Iran ! for a short while al took their scarfs off and its back on again! They should be brave and keep it off. Do you believe it that up to yesterday no woman could go to footall stadium? shanme on the world watching this! President Bush, hello???

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