Visiting agh daee Ghasem's grave on father's day,click here

Last time I visited his grave was 19 years ago. Day before went to LA and after taking part in an interview and then updating my resume in this Jewish center, went to Shahpar and her husband and had a good kabab and jujeh and spent the night there. Then day after in the morning went to Mahindokht khanom's house and together went to visit mother's uncle's grave. I also prayed for father and saw Nooshin after years. Me, Nooshin and Sassan kamali used to work in IBM together, seems like ages ago. Then went and had sabzipolo mahi and after a rest I returned. Tommorrow till sunday is flower festival in Lompoc. Come on down.
On the way back I stoppped at this gerdoo(walnut) orchard and took pictures and brought some. Miss sare pol like crazy,talked to Shahla and Soraya joon and daee and wish I could travel to Iran soon WITHOUT HIJAB! Also Mrs. Rica traveled to Saudi with no hijab and drove a car herself to teach them a lesson that women can drive and should be allowed. go to this site,click here
Please go to Iran next Mrs. Rice and get off the plane with no hijab. KISSES FOR YOU MRS.RICE, THANKS.

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