why ? oh why?

I dont know why certain things are there. why I started a garage sale and this chair given to me by my brother is an item there on www.royaartgallery.blogspot.com or www.online-garage-sale.blogspot.com . why some men in Iran have to wear a special underware,some like a cheese cloth? why a certain class used to wear it. I rememebr at dinner party this lady was describing how she made the cheese that we were eating and she said I used my husbands underware as my cheese cloth..iiikkhhh. well but the cheese tates good. Also why in Iran as asoon as there is an accident 100 people show up and just watch, JUST WATCH...a party starts right there,even if the accident happens in a very quiet street? why oh why? Why isnt the repeat of my favorite progam after 7:30 pm? when I am sure that I am home? where on internet I should go to watch the repeats? I am lost...why o why... we never thought that maybe our children were lactose intolerant and that was why they screamed and had diahrrea? why that never crossed my mind when I was feeding my son? so much milk we gave him...and we never thought of that. why oh why some words are considered as swearing and people get offeneded in some languages and not the oters like turtle egg is a swearing in chinese and dog egg is a swearing in Farsi? why oh why, now click on header....just for the heck of it!!what the hech is it? I want to see the repeat of programs after 7:3o or you can go to this site and feel very bad..

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