How to get this crane out of this building?

Stuff we don�t ever see or hear in Iranian schools but we do in American schools:
- We never went to our teacher asking for a tissue and then blow our noses at the corner of the room, but in American schools this happens 10 times a day!
- We did not have a library in each class and did not have a book reading session but here it is a must and reading silently is daily practiced.
- You wont see girls and boys mixed and also not wearing a uniform but whatever they like!
- In middle of a class different teachers walk in and take a student out or to the side and teach them speech or spelling and whatever is planned for that student.
- Going to the bathroom with a bathroom pass in the middle of the class session so many times�
- Being so impolite to teachers and sit on tables and chairs
- Applying makeup in the classroom
But I love working in a school and learning as I teach. I am also proud to announce that my students improved in math so much that it is noticeable. I love teaching, writing, journalism and some politics�.My mind is full of those subjects and my heart??? Dandane kineh bar jegare khaste basto raft�

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