Sunday, February 06, 2005

My life 2/6/05

I went to traffic school yesterday, what I learned was that color blinds don’t see green and red! Colors you need to see while driving and also the fact that MEN are color blind thou the mothers are the carrier of the cause! Also I learned that it does not make sense to ask some workers to always stand on their feet and we may have to write to the president to ask him to change that law and it is abuse of workers when are asked to stand on their feet the wholeday when the job can be done while sitting down(this came at a discussion with another student while waiting at a corner counting number of drivers that did not wear a seat belt or stopped at the yellow line for pedestrians.
Today I went to church and was asking God whether I should continue doing this diaries online or not. You see my brother thinks it is making me very vulnerable to put my life on internet. I think then who can write their biography if they are afraid of their privacy being exposed. Also I thought maybe I should change some names or relationships to friends as opposed to real relations whenever there is a possibility that their privacy is invaded. I do admire Suzanne summers talking about her alcoholic father thou her family were against exposing their private secrets!! Well here is what I heard in the church:
“ Exodus24:12 “Come up to me on the mountain and wait there, and I will give you the tablets of stone, with the law and commandment , which I have Written FOR THEIR INSTRUCTION. O.k I got a message about writing and I guess I pursue my goal. It seems like even God like writing and he encourages us to do what he likes!!I had a talk with the church people and the priest. I was asked why as a Muslim I go to church and I said I want you to know that these Mullahs in Iran put wrong images of Islam in your mind. We do go around with no veils, we believe in virgin Mary ,Jesus,Moses and all / We just don’t have their teachings laid out for us in QURAN and we need to learn that by attending churches and synagogues. I want to think about our similarities rather than of our difference.


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