My Mother in Caspian Sea side as head of ordoo(Camping)

My mother: On our New years day Mary told me on the phone to go outside, put two chairs and pretend my aunt and my mother are there and having a cup of tea with me! I did that since I looked outside and saw 3 chairs next to the pool at my Cousins house while I was dog sitting for him! I went outside with my cup of tea and like an idiot looked at each chair and said hello and first asked my aunt do you want me to stop writing about you? And iI think she was sorry that I had to stop and said for now. Then looked at the chair that my mother was supposed to sit and I started crying and crying, almost screaming and saying why did you die when I was not at your bedside? Why you got buried without us? I was shouting why did you let them bury you when we dont even know where your grave is? You see she died in Tehran and was buried there and my brother and I have not seen her grave. Also I was involved in this stupid divorce and did not have time to really think about it. I was luckily involved in this nasty divorce and thought about it after some time elapsed, makes it easier. Well I needed to burst and I did. She was a hard working woman, cliché? No she was different. She got divorced from my father twice, never in her life let another man touch her( unlike here and me that as soon as you divorce you get a boyfriend or a new spouse)She was working as a school teacher and also a second job in the afternoon to pay for the 4 kids (you 4kids are ..) is what we heard a lot of shoma 4 ta!. Ma 4 ta bradar,hamrahe ye khahar is a song this Armenian singer sings, we were 2 sisters and 2 brothers. Anyway she went to get her B.A fm women university in Nutrition at the age of 40 some? Having 4 kids,no husband. She wrote a book in cooking. We all made fun of her. She learned to drive at that age and did not know how to u-turn so she would try to find a square9meydan) or turn left and right! We made fun. Then she became the head of ordoo or camping of studenta from all over Iran. A difficult job for a woman,but she handled it well, she was better than a man most the time. My father was difficult to live with, distant and not inthis world. I tell his story later. Well mother was our only takye(place to lean on) in this world. When things would get rough she would go to the roof and look at the mountains and say :chon kooh be khod kamar shekan bash?farzande khesale khishtan bash! mening be like a mountain and depend on yourself and inner strength. O.k I want to quote some of her famous sayings, which has MADAR (mother in farsi,what we called her) is written all over it. Before that I should say she was born in Kermanshah while her father had a mission as a lawyer there,lived in Tehran and was so beautiful that people would pass by,stare and say Ya ahsananl khaleghin(meaning the best creature God created!) I know all mothers are beautiful and all children are honor students but she really was gorgeous! Having said that I had my disagreements with her since she always treated me like an 8 year old and had a lot of control over me, she never had patience and I learned that from her, but she was a very strong,hard working and deicated woman. Because of her we all went to universities and got degrees. Here are some of her famous words:
-Shotor galo bash(meaning like camel that has a long neck, a word should come out of your mouth after passing a long way and a lot of thinking before it comes out of your mouth!
- Koofti ( cant translate that , a swearing but not too bad!
- this one she would tell me and my sister every time we went to take a bath,in public baths dokhtaro too shsishe ham bekoni age bekhad bad beshe bad mishe(Even if you capture a girl in a glass, if she has the capability of being bad,she will be!)
- golobolbol,gol o bolbol (flower and hummingbird,whenever she wanted to stop us from quarelling, or change the subject to a more pleasant one)
- chon kooh be khod kamar shekan bash,farzande khesale khishtan bash
- aghebat gorg zadeh gorg shaved, gar che ba adami bozorg shaved
- Ba ham bashed
- sagi bogzar ma ham mardomanim

more of her special words can be found under the posting with a picture of watermelon ! please add to it if you know some!11
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