Sunday, May 08, 2005

Tina's trip to Africa,click here! My sunday posting 5/7/05

First, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY .Then enjoy the pictues Tina sent by clicking the header, PASSWORD= africa . Well today is Sunday and I went to church, I told you our group is lead by a physician, he brought some heart EKG charts,reminded me of my uncle . He said sometimes UP TO !1.5 HOURS THE HEART CONTINUES TO BEAT WHILE YOU ARE BRAIN DEAD! well wow!!
He explained the chart and when your heart is not beating its like when you are praying and its time to charge the heart itself with blood and praying charges the body or soul with energy. You can hardly snor cocaine when praying or do evil things! so you rest your mind and body as the intervals heart takes to rest and reenergize the heart itself,so it can give blood and oxygen to the rest of the body. Also read this weird news that ISraeli Rabbi chief family member arrested for beating and seriously injuring his sister's suitor? read it by clicking here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware of bias and extreme right, the world needs to stop them.

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pictures,someone had a lot of fun!

12:12 AM  

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