I sat in the same room with Michael Jackson the whole day today!

Shirin and others, go to MJJSOURCE.COM and that is the officail site of Michael jackson,its great!o.k.the yellow sticker above is my pass to Michael jackson's trial! Today my number was drawn and I sat in the courtroom with Michael jackson!! In the same room. He is gorgeous,thin,fit and charming. He even looked into my eyes and waved at me from the other side of the room. Here were the witnesses today,you wont believe it: First Hamid Moslehi /click on the name or cut/paste this address and read his testimony in court. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0222054moslehi1.htmla vediographer of MJ family was on the stand! of all people a Persian! This Moslehi(God knows if he is Lili's family!) was claiming he wants more money from Michael jackson, and he did the vedio with Mobasher?Guy that harmed MJ. but testified that claim of that woman that tehy read froma script was a lie.
Then bunch of telephone company people came to testify, some cell phone calls, that nobody understood why that was discussed,the only thing we figured was that they showed a lot of peoples SSN,Phone number and seemded the prosecutor does not care for people's reputation or peivacy, same as they dont care about MJs reputation either. At last his x-wife(Deborah Rowe) click on name or go to http://www.wnbc.com/news/4426770/detail.html came to stand, she was obviously after money and had no heart for her children. She married Michael to have children with him,never lived with him in the same place and signed stuff,got some money and left. According to the contarct she signed she had nothing to do with raising the children and had 2 kid this way! Now she said she never sAW the children and God knows why she made 2 kids for Mj if it was that difficult. She also SAID THAT SHE NEVER WATCHED THE VIDEO SHE MADE TO PROTECT MJ'S NAME(PHOTOGRAPHER WAS MOSLEHI) ,BUT SHE CLAIMS SHE MISSED HER CHILDREN!. One would watch that video ten times if was missing the kids. Media may make a Mother Mary out of her, but the whole row that I was in did not buy it and $$ was written all over her . We had 3 breaks and at every break we would line up and see Micheal from 5 steps in front of us and he would wave at us. I hope God help him and his family seemed sincere. I agree that MJ is weird, like Picaso was weird, and most artists are, but he is not a child abuser to me, thou Woody Allan did worst, raping the girl they adopted and later marry her and divorce Mia Faro!!!! I did not see this much controversy over that. I have a haunch as most people in court did, he is innocent. lets see . Some people had arm bands but in the court was forbidden to wear a band,talk to him or touch him. We could only wave back if he waved at us ,or say good morning which his mother did. Michael, beat it,beat it. I heard that I have a twisted world?this blog is stupid? fine, I enjoyed the day and here is a kiss to all specially to Michael that I enjoy watching dance and sing as an artist! BOOOOOOOS!click on the title and see the view on a road behind where I live, breathtaking ha? If I only find another job!!!( I know I should of searched for a job,but yesterday got 3 rejections,one for being over 40, so I paused today to gain back my esteem).
I have my doubts but you are right,one is innocent until proven guilty. He is weird, but an abuser??? mmmmmmmmmm??
At one point when she was asked by the defense to describe Jackson, she caught her breath and said: "Generous to a fault, good father, great with kids, puts other people ahead of him. Brilliant businessman."
She later became teary-eyed when she described her feelings about Jackson, who at one point dabbed at his eyes. Rowe only spoke positively of her ex-husband and reserved expressions of ill will for Schaffel and two other unindicted alleged co-conspirators, saying, "I think they're opportunistic vultures."
Rowe was a nurse for a Jackson doctor when they married in 1996, and they had two children together - 8-year-old Prince Michael and 7-year-old Paris.
they also never lived together. she agreed for an arranged marriga elike a surrogate mother.
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