Can anybody read this poem for me?

Click on the picture you can read it better. Click on header you see a joke site on how to date a person with hijab! . Can anybody read this poem and translate it?I found this on a piece of paper with my father's hand writting but cant read all of it, I guessed it and typed it but some parts I can not guess .HELP!! Please comment as anonymous and write in latin characters I can figure it out! oR YOU CAN EMAIL IT TO SOMEONE YOU THINK KNOWS IRANIAN POEMS.ALSO I AM GETTING NEGATIVE COMMENTS I NEED SOME COMMENTS FROM THE SILENT PEOPLE WHO READ THIS TO GET ENERGY TO GO ON.Thanks;
P.S.don't know why I like to recite,khoshbakht anke kore khar amad,olagh raft as my father used to say, lucky those who were born as a donkey an dleft this world as an ass.

salam,man bahat movafegham va as khoondane neveshtehat lezat mibaram, . parvin
I think you write too much, no paragrapghs....h
thanks for your comments; I know 2 people who would say you should stop and delete the whole thing! but its good to hear the other side, if I have 10 comments I go on. otherwise wriet ina word documentand publish it in one go??
what should I do?
Sometimes the responsibility is heavier when the events are grave.Thanks and Keep up the good work! Dolores
I will quit my blog so you can continue.
citduy Phillipines
keh hagh na roozi beh sharte ... daad
keh hagh beh bandeh nah roozi beh sharte .??.... daad.
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