Sunday, May 01, 2005

sunday posting 5/1/05,

Originally uploaded by roya parsay.
FIRST CLICK ON PICTURE,CLICK ON sizes on top of the picture to read this POEM. or click here and see it enlarged. I decided to talk religious on sundays. I am religious. I can survive better believing there is a God and there is an order in creation. It may seem that things are happened randomly, but an order is there for ME. You think different,go for it. None of us can prove whether there is or there is not. It is like Love, why you love so and so and I have no feelings for so and so.I heard today that bad companycorrupts good morals (kamale hamneshin asar mikonad va to ra ham mesle oon bad mikonad). Also I heard before you have a heart attack you will have an urge to go to the bathroo! Our priest is a physician. Also suggest for all to read a book called Hiding place, story of 2 CHRISTIAN women during Holocust and living in concentration camp. we know 2 millipn more people as Christians were killed in Holocust . I feel only concentrating on Jews as the victims when double the number of Jews were Christian victims,would not be fair enough. The above is a poem written by a Palestinian .When he ate a bread sent to him from Israel and a piece of small pebble type was in there. He is worried that Israeli soldiers find out and confiscate his kidney and build settlement on it or declare it a state!. Well I remembered that because today in church the showed us this map(click on title you see the map) and in there Mecca was part of where Abraham started migrating, also kaaba is house of Ibrahim,Babylinians is part of iran and Iraq, and I thought if Israel sees the map ,would they want to confiscate Iran,Iraq and Saudia as their land?? Hope the Jews are not throwing their shoes at me but that is what came to my mind to share with you. Its time to mourn for Christians , ARMENIANS TOO.


Blogger roya parsay said...

Thanks Jenna, you see I am using it and its fun!! also hide thanks . clcik on th eword here in the article(posting) and you see the poem much better. hope to catch you guys and have caht live soon !!

10:16 AM  

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