Maman's rest of the story, pedar,grandp,madar, here

Maman used to tell me that if the lizards in the house could count anybody�s teeth, the person would die soon. I was extra careful not to laugh around these marmoolaks or brown lizards. They were all over the walls and she knew how scared I was . Once a big beetle flew over and sat on my hair. Maman very carefully said she wants to comb my hair, in the end she caught the big bug, and went outside and threw it away. She told me 3 days later and I still was scared. Most of all I was scared of spiders. Coming from a mother that would catch a snake with bare hands, it was strange. Even sometimes going to a bathroom was scary for me. In Iran there is always a spider coming from the ceiling or somewhere, so I would ask our servant�s son to come and stand outside and watch over me! He used to sing and get 1 toman from me so that I knew he was there and could go to bathroom. I was not silly just that way. Maman was my second mother and very nice. I remember when she was sick one day towards the end of her life and one day it happened that all of her children(my uncles) and the wives and mother were there. SHE WAS LYING IN BED AND WE WERE ALL AROUND HER AND SINGING HER SONGS,LIKE SHOD KHAZAN GOLSHANE...�
After couple of hours of all of us singing, Maman said Roya and I went to her bed and she said tell all to go.She was tired and wanted to rest.I asked all to go and was happy that she trusted me even more than her own children. We did have a special relationship. She also had a special relationship with Soraya joon, my uncle�s wife. She was always taking care of her and she liked her. She liked everybody but I think me a little more.
When it was time for me to leave Iran after giving it a short visit when I was 10 years away, the hardest thing was getting separated from Maman. I went to Iran for a visit cause I knew it would be my last time seeing her. I stayed as long as I could, around 4 months, cause after that being a citizen I had to get a visa . So time came that I had to leave I went to her house, where I had breakfast everyday,she woukd prepare some tea,goat cheese,bread and walnut and jam and leave them for me. I would eat and go work . Most times she was sleep and it was after her morning prayers,but if one day I would not go to eat the breakfast she would not like it . So I made sure everyday that I WOULD MAKE A MESS SO SHE IS SURE I WAS THERE AND ATE MY BREAKFAST.
I remember she could not talk for 3 days after she heard the government did execute my aunt by firing squad. She also had a picture of her father who had a beautiful voice and was given the name of Saeedozakerin (one who could sing good) hanging in her room. On the bottom of this picture where he was dressed as mullahs was writtem Yahya Saeedozakerin. Yahya means John the baptist in FARSI AND IN QURAN. In GOOD OLD DAYS mullahs were good, honest and kind. Lately they are thiefs,addicted and killers. migam hanoozo har rooz yadash bekhir dirooz( I dont like Maybodi anymore who said this poem but like the poem ,he needs to do a lot to be a liberal to let me answer a reply, or just let me finish my sentence. God give patience).
That day I walked in and I said maman I am leavig back for America tomorrow. She said I am told not to say a word. I guess my mother instructed her not to say anything so I could leave in peace!! HOW RUDE> she was lying next to the heater. I went and lied down beside her. I put my arms around her and we were sleeping there for a long time. It got a bit dark and I heard Soraya joon�s footsteps, but neither of us moved. She came inside, peaked and when she saw us in that way she left. We did not wanna cry but were too sad to say anything. We knew its our last visist and it was. After I left she got sick and died soon. She could not wait another 10 years for my next visit. She is buried in Shabdolazim and I am dying to see her grave. After 10 years my mother died and I HAVE NOT SEEN HER GRAVE EITHER. GOD DAMN REGIME OF IRAN, ALL IRANIANS ROUND YOU ARE FORCED TO LEAVE AND ITS DANGEROUS TO GO BACK.ITS A MESS MULLAHS CREATED FOR MILLIONS OF IRANIANS.ALL OVER THE WORLD.I JUST FOUND OUT THAT MY SON OF 27 YEARS HAS NEVER SEEN MY SISTER'S DAUGHTER OF 22 YEARS OLD. SHAME,SHAME SHAME.
Maman could do the best needle points, sewing,cooking and singing and playing violin. Once we took her to the seaside to this villa we had at Ramsar next to Caspian sea. After couple of days she said it is too boring here. I said why? She said too quiet, I had more fun when with Badizadeh and Parviz yahaghi we used to go to the mountains and play and sing!! Our way of life was boring for her. When she moved to our house at gheytarieh, she said all these neighbors are quiet,nobody brings soup or ash or knock at any other neighbors house. She was an angel living with us ordinary people. She always had a smile on her face and was patient and pleasant. Why didn�t I grow up to be like her? May she be having a good time in heaven and can�t wait to join her . Maman joon talebi va bastani mikhorid? She loved those and I loved her.

shirin reminded me that maman used to say VEL DE! I say she used to say BORO BABA
she used to say zan o shohar nabayad sange ye man tarazoo bashand. meaning one goes up other should come down like a scale.
she used wear her glasses when making rice.her rice was always haft ghad!
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