The official murderer won over unofficial murderer in Iran's comdey of election.Bye Mr. Maybodi!

first click on title tolaugh. Sean Penn with unofficial murderer. The offical murderer Ahmadinejad (looks like a Taleban's best friend) was ordered by Khamenei the great liar called the supreme leader to become the new presidnt of Iran. This Ahmadinejad is the person who shoots the last bullet to the political prisioners. Rafsanjani on the other hand orders for murder of others. SO one is official kiler,the other unofficial. We have a proverb in farsi saying a lier has short memory. These cheaters announced the votes of Rafsanjani a lot less in the second round than the first round! Logically its always the opposite. When you lie and cheat you go this way.
Hello Mr. Bush, Hello Mrs. Rice. Help Iranians to get rid of these liers,terrorists,killers.. Also Bye Mr. Maybodi, he announced that he will kiss that profession good bye if Ahmadinejad, the ugly liar cheater and murderer is chosen as the president of Iran! See, if you make me angry by disconnecting me, God will punish you! Now a man has to stick to his words, janam,azizam bye bye .
p.s these two (above picture) look alike, dont they?

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