Sunday, September 18, 2005

Jesus and Mary

Originally uploaded by roya parsay.
Today I went to a new church of Mormons. After I gave a BBQ party for the elders who helped me ,they invited me to a new church. I took picture of them but my computer is sick so I have to wait for that. I like the way the take care of each other and clearly do their moves and beliefs. I liked the testimony about this man stopping to take morphin and goes by his belief only. ALso I saw their baptism room. I wish Jinh the Baptist(Yahya) was there to see what he started went so far. How much older was john the baptist to Jesus? who know? I want to help the Katerina's flood victim and need to take my clothes to drop somewhere. They talked about forgiveness but this time I am so hurt that I can not forgive until I se a lot of apologies. I had enough of forgiving all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you sweet Jesus.

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christ said you should forgive those that harm you and pray for your enemies. You sound hateful.

2:52 PM  

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