Old ads(tablighs) in Iran and my grandpa,click

This is an ad for a peykan when it first was introduced to Iran's market. My grandfather worked in the Bazar as a lawyer and daftare sabte ahval 110,which translates to Ali. You know numbers could of been translated to words. Anyway he ALWAYS wanted a motorcycle but it WAS NOT ALLOWED by THE SOCIETY! STUPID BUT TRUE. Society has a strong saying in Iran. I remember even my aunt as secratary of Education could not dance in parties cause SOCIETY did not approve it! I try to dance, joke, laugh and say what I want to break the SOCIETY! I also remember when my grandpa was solving cross word puzzle he woul put the pencil in his mouth for every word he wanted to write!Those pencils could not write unless was wte! It was called medade johari! I bet his tongue was really blue by the time he was done with the puzzle! kisses for him the best man I ever met in my life,agha joon massihnia! NOW PLEASE LEAVE ME A COMMNET , I NEED DIRECT MESSAGES AND NOT SECOND HAND OR GUESSING.

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