HNT and moon tonight!

My first HNT! maybe my last too! WELL I went to throw the garbage out and saw the sunset is close, hopped into my car and drove to the ocean and watched the most beautiful sunset, then turned my head and saw the most beautiful moon. I thank God that I live 10 minutes away from ocean and thou still looking for a full time job but freedom of watching the sunset whenever I want has a lot of value to me. Everytime I miss my son or whoever I look at the moon and say you are looking at the same moon and this way we are looking at each other, kisses for you and this rose dear! (REMEMBER THIS YEARS RESOLUTION, BE PLEASANT!) ALso while Mr. Bush and Mrs. Rice and Mr. Cheney and Mr. Blair.... are concentrating on Iran we feel better and I can have my program on saturday in rangarang tv from 10-11 PM washington time, 7-8 PM California time. Please watch it at

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