Monday, April 03, 2006


I went to the ocean today, same spot as this picture was taken. To your left is the ocean and this is the river that goes to the ocean. On top is the train passing going to SLO or LA depending on which way it is heading. I saw a different view today thu unfortunately I DID NOTTAKE MY CAMERA. It was raining and stormy today, but to my surprise there was more activity sensed by the ducks than the other day. I guess it was their chelokabab day cause from the mud that the storm made they could catch more food. There were no heroines and I don�t know where these birds go and hide when it rains, but ducks were having a feast. I saw couple of small birds too but the view was a different one. I guess when its calm and the water is clear and we are happy to watch, ducks are angry waiting for a muddy situation to enjoy life� what can I say; HAR KASI AZ zanne khod shod yare ma�.(EACH INTERPRETED ME THE WAY HE/SHE WAS)
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