Condolences to those who loved him,I did in a way

Here is Prince charles(The adulterer at that time!)and lady diana visiting pope. I heard about his death this morning and had an IM conversation with a friend. I post that since I am going away for 2 days let you discuss that till I get back. Hope its o.k with my friend since I told him I may post it! A lot of stuff he says is true but something about him makes me like him a lot. I expect a catholic to act catholic!! Thanks MDGF!
Royaparsay: are yu going to church since pope died??
kianb2: lol no
kianb2: you?
kianb2: pope died?
kianb2: it's not possible
kianb2: he is living
kianb2: just stopped breathing
Royaparsay: hahah
Royaparsay: my roommmate is catholic and she is up with children going to church
kianb2: well i think it's the best time for a reform in rome , they gotta choose the pop for the 21st century
kianb2: pope john pole was a tyrant
Royaparsay: I go later as usual. I like religious discussion and we have a my brother would call that waste of time. I only have to look for a job and go towork 8-5 to make hiim happynh
Royaparsay: yes pope was a tyrant
kianb2: he was a was a fierce opponent of women becoming priests, homosexuality, priest marriages, birth control pills or even the use of condom.
kianb2: if any other institution in Europe but Vatican had advocated such inhuman practices, the European parliament and the free world would have confronted them to the end.
kianb2: but for pope , it was ok
Royaparsay: jean paul sartre once said depends on who you ask your question from.a catholic pope has to take that position
kianb2: yes, and a dictator like saddam hossein has to gas his own people
kianb2: it's always like this
kianb2: Now is the time for the free world to press the Vatican, to choose a much more moderate pope, suitable for the 21 century.
Royaparsay: are they doing that with Israel?
Royaparsay: their fundamentalists wont let women touch the torah!
kianb2: i am not a supporter of any fondumentalist on any religion
kianb2: but in this example you are giving, not touching torah will not make you die
kianb2: but do u know how many people have lost their lives, how many homosexuals were harassed, and alter boys were raped, because of the Holy Father_s medieval theories.
Royaparsay: I am sure khakhams are the first to oppose homosexuality too when they are harsher than pope not letting women ...on top of all the things pope agreed with.
kianb2: after all , pope was a good friend with khomeini
Royaparsay: I just found out the time change. HAve to get ready. can I post this conversation on my blog?
kianb2: lol
Royaparsay: serious!
kianb2: listen, didn't pope kissed koran?
kianb2: and made a bigf big controversy
Royaparsay: I dont know, if I wanna be harsh on pope I have to be harsh on all religious leaders
kianb2: well i have evidence that he did
Royaparsay: xtreme is bad everywhere
kianb2: Pope Is Dead, Long Live Reform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Royaparsay: I have evidence that religious leadres in Israel wont let you go to buses and sit next to men, and have to wear a veil to go next to wall of NODBEH!! that is a crime .they also wont let abortion,homosexuality.. I dont hear you blame them?mme
kianb2: if that is true, that is not good too, but it doesn't make pope's intolerance and bigotry less
Royaparsay: if khomeini would do half of what pope did would be good. he went to india and hughed mother q how can I copy one of the pictures aol is posting now pope,charles and diana?? right click wont do it
kianb2: pope liked publicity stunt
kianb2: if you right click and nothing happens then they disabled it
kianb2: please go to another site
kianb2: and find it somewhere else
Royaparsay: ok,my friend pope just died yesterday a lot of people are sad. Argue next week today is sensitive ok?
kianb2: ok
kianb2: i am really amazed from latin americans
kianb2: the christianity came and raped their ancestors and converted all of them in blood in the name of jesus
Royaparsay: what matters is now, they are now happy with Jesus,let them be!
Royaparsay: I really have to go!
Royaparsay: bye

LOL! Now I know you save our conversations! It's goiod to know ;-)
I only cut/paste the parts that you give me instructions on how to upload a picture or... and the address of that site.Thsi one middle on converstaion I told you i wnat to do this since I was going to LA for 2 days and had no time to write a posting!ok mdgwtdmou Friend?/
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