Monday, June 27, 2005

Visit with my son and the events.., click here

Originally uploaded by roya parsay.
I had a good time yesterday, I went to have lunch with my son and his girl friend to Monterey. Beautiful place and beautiful companions. I already broke the record of seeing my son in a year this is the fourth time, like we covered 4 years in half a year! Knock wood cheshm nakhoorim. I drove 3 hrs to get there and enjoyed the visit a lot. The picture above reminds me of 10 years of wishing that he would send me a letter on his own. My cousin Kourosh who lived in Canada at that time was the only person who truly understood my feelings and sent me buch of Canadian stamps and envelopes and suggested I mail it to my son and he does not have to go buy stamps since he was so little and instead could use these envelops. I sent the envelopes but never heard about them. My heart was always beating with worries then,never attended a birthday party of a kid,never passed a school or stopped in front of it, made my life child’s events less cause could not coup with it. That is why I am so illiterate about a child’s life,schools,ceremonies, parents events, … The first event I went to was a play he was directing at Cornell University. He was 20 years then,not a child anymore. I did suffer a lot and don’t know how I passed those days. Friends an dfamily around me understood my situation and never invited me to a party related to children. Only once my sister and my uncle’s wife asked me to go to German school in Iran to get my niece and cousin (sepideh and shirin) and after I parked there waiting my tears started coming down and I got home and cried for a day.Since then they decided to eliminate me from any kid’s activity.Later on in Washington the relatives there did the same for me,never invited me to kid's birthdays. I was more comfortable that way too.
I had to agree to let them take my son away ,thou they already planned a migration to Canada without my knowledge, until Canadian embassy said we wont give a visa to the child without the mother’s permission and that is when I was told. After that we got divorced and since family of my ex were Bahais I agreed logically with his departure since Iran was not safe for him anymore. Then my days of worrying and nightmares started.
These years a lot of mending has been done to our relationship. I am sure he blamed me a good while and I did not explain or he refused to hear. I wanted him to love and obey my ex because raising a child is not easy. SO I was a shadow in this relationship,first cause I had no choice and I was under the mercy of my ex’s to be able to see him and second I didn’t want to make life more complicated for him so that he is torn between two poles and countries emotionally and physically. I will write more when I am posting an article about Timsar Sanii , his grand pa.
One day after ahmadinejad is elected he says Iran is pursuing its nuclear power plan! Rumsfeld should now that people inIran have no arma nd money otherwise this regime was toppled yeas ago. Seems like Israel is moving,thou First flag burned,first hostage taken was the time for the world to react to this regime. Every day passes and money of blood is less valuable that money of oil, is another shamful day to history of humankind.President Bush,Rice, Israel should of reacted rather than trading with them under the table and make them stronger by minute.
Also last night had a pleasant BBQ party thrown by Shahram and Shahryar and the wives. And the best ITALIAN FOOD AND ALL. THANKS ALL. I also had a good swim,if pictures are sent to me I will post them. I love their little boy Sebastian that I could not communicate with cause he did not know farsi or English and I did not know Italian !! I have to post on all different nationalities in our family one day(American, Germans, Italians,Mexicans,Chinese, Greeks, English, ...)! No more comments except some Lompoc flowers!.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

roya, what a story!

You're in my thoughts, you're a very good person roya.


8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lame that you called him to check, crazy-woman.

7:20 PM  

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