General Sanii, My ex-father-in-law! click

Before I start this article please click here and read about Ahmadinejad's ties with Alquade,or go to discarded kies site and read a collection about him. SHAME. Also please send a warm message to the soldiers in Iraq defending us ,click here.
My ex-father-in-law was General Sanii, x-Secretary of Defense(vazire jang) in Shah�s cabinet and later His private consultant and Inspector of oil company. With all these positions there are VERY FEW pictures of him. I had no picture of him, not from our wedding night, or birthdays�even in other books you can find only a handful of his pictures around. I saw one in Abbas Milani�s book of Hoveyda. Anyway its amazing how he did that. This picture is sent to me by my son! Thanks.(click on header and see his letter to me, I hope my son can read it with his limited Farsi knowledege. Here is the first page of that letter he sent me in 1973.He also send me this note in 1996, when I started my small magazine called Jahan Zanan in America.)
His public positions were a military man in Reza Shah�s time , he seved with Mossadegh a short time and also a general in Shah�s cabinet. I am sure he had lots of other positions but I am going to explain him the way that I knew him.
First I think he looks like Brezenov of Russia! He had his full black hair up to the day he died .He was very health conscious, fit, religious, polite and clever. Everyday he would have a small glass of alfaalfa jiuce,some onion juice and steamed zuccini with his lunch.We lived together in a big house. My x-husband and I lived in the basement and Timsar and his wife(Baba joon and touri joon as my son calls them ) lived upstairs. Before the house was built we all lived in a small 2 bedroom at corner of this house for a short while. The garden was huge with a Tennis court in it and a large pool that was never used. Thou the tennis court at night with the lights on would attract the helicopter of the Shah sometimes and it would fly lower . Later the Tennis court became the house for the 2 dogs, Niki and Chicho,German Shepherds and Chicho was crazy . Also at one point me and Bahman were in the basement of the main house, Maryam his sister and Amir her husband were at the house to he left and Jaleh (his other sister) and Mahmood ,her first husband, lived at the guest house next to the pool.
Anyway first time I met Timsar was by surprise. Bahman came to get me on the summer that we came to Iran from Purdue and on the way he said I have to stop at Dr. Nahavandi�s house , their family Doctor and friend (later he became one of my son�s doctors). I was not comfortable and did not know what to do. They were all standing outside, Timsar,Touri joon, Dr. Nahavandi and his wife and looking at me, as who is this girl that Bahman likes so much. I acted childish and did not get out thou politely turned back and talked to them as they sat in the car. Bahman dropped them and we went our way. Then again one day he said come over at our house and drove me there and as I was walking in the garden I saw bunch of women in the small house and they were his aunts. I guess it�s a Jewish and a Bahai custom for the family to see the bride and approve or disapprove. This family was Bahai and I knew nothing about it except that its another religion in the world and should not make any difference, as I was studying in America and could of met a Christian and married him.Bahman himself said religion is the reason for most wars and claimed he has no religion. I told him but I am a Muslim and respect his belief whatever it is. I bought some Bahai books to learn in Purdue and he threw them in the garbage. He was a special person and knew how to make me feel easy with him.
I found out later it does matter as I got reactions here and there. First my educated grand ma (MAMANE BALA, FIGHTING FOR WOMEN ALL HER LIFE!) she said I heard rumors that you are marrying a Bahai, you know that if its true all my prayers wont be accepted!! I WAS EXPECTING MAMAN ZINAT JOON TO SAY THAT,BUT MUCH TO MY SURPRISE MY EDUCATED GRANDMA SAID IT!! Some did not even attend my wedding which surprised me a lot. How ignorant. Then Ahdieh the singer told my mother that be careful since as long as she does not convert to Bahaism they wont accept her and her pictures never goes up the shelf! It WAS TRUE, OUR WEDDING PICTURE WAS NEVER DISPLAYED. I was reminded of that later when my son was born and they threw a big party called VALIMEH and they took him from my arms,when he was still being breast fed and all the people in the guest room held him and prayed for him, but I was not called in,and afterwards he was given back to me to be breast fed! If I was a Bahai I would have been treated differently. So the bias went both ways unfortunately.
Well what�s funny is the fact that people were already spreading a rumor about our family(Parsay) to be Bahais thou we were Muslims but this marriage made the rumor even stronger. When I went to ask permission from my aunt for this marriage she said �Be aware that Bahman is as Bahai as the prime minister Hoveyda is and learn to live with it in this society� . I am ashamed to say that in this present regime of Iran Bahais are killed a lot, thou number of Muslims that are killed are way more than Bahais, but these 2 religions are killed and tortured by this regime the most.
Anyway I learned a lot but when Bahman proposed and his mother came to our house for khasegari and the wedding plans were arranged, I moved to their house. When I was going to the hair dresser(ratavoos,matavoos) to fix my hair, Timsar said I hope I can recognize you this evening,meaning hope you don�t do heavy make up. At night when they walked in our house I ASKED Timsar Do you know me? He laughed and said yes. When they took Bahman and I to Hotel Intecontinental or Hilton for our wedding night Timsar gave us a lecture to be good to each other,be polite and respectful and all.TO BE CONTINUED��

There is someone here who has worked for general Sanii (Dr. Vazirnia) and he would like to read your blog! Can I give him the link to your weblog?
Lilo's Mom!
The SHAH and his Timsars were all LAP DOGS. They were supposed to defend the Land,instead ran away and hide behind the boss skirt.
Thanks a lot for your advice guys, it helped me a lot, I went to and followed their step by step instructions and it worked perfectly, now me and my girlfriend are back together.
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