I (a Muslim married a Bahai...)had my first communion today!click

Still moving.
Nevre NEVER never give up.
I learned new stuff today. You see I research and wrote a book on religion and status of women on each(should be posted on my blog,women and religious rules, if I stop being lazy). Then I went to a Mormon church today!!WOW. O.K this is how it started, first I was walking and saw a neighbour watering her plants and I said hi,she said hi and started talkingto me and asking qs and I said if you wanna go for a walk I am right next door and need to llose weigh. She was at our door couple of days later and said she has some women at her house and there is a meeting and a military guy returning from Iraq is going to talk. I accepted theinvitation gladly,first I am lonely in this town that I just moved into,2 had questions from somebody who just returned from Iraq. In the evening I got ready and took a bottle of wine to be polite and walked into their house. O.k lots of women and a bing punch bowl in the middle of table,but the content was white not red as wine is. I walked into kitchen and gave the bottle to the woman and asked what is that punch? They said water,Iasked what church you belong to>she said we are mormons! I felt so ashamed,first a Muslim taking wine as a gift(Ilike occational wine sipping!) and to a Mormon gathering. I took the bottle anddropped it in car which was given to friend when went to her new apt. in LA next day. My next shock happened in the church today. I tell you after I explain what the military man from Iraq said . He explained there are hospitals built and roads built and we were wondering how swe should react to TV when they only show shooting and terrorists took over the whole news.some said turn TV off and some said write them a complain letter. Which one do you do>?forget it I should ask that from discarded lies people,my readers are like walls,no reaction. So full of themselves,o.k I went to church this morning and here were my shocks. First I went to my old church meeting with Dr. E lesding it. His main points were common sense thoughts are common have faith and God in an action and don�t go just by common sense. Also another Q came to my mind how many times you saw another family or household and you wish you were born in that house or family? Another q for my discarded lies friend. Now the shock, I went for the first time to a Mormon church. It was simple,up to the point and they passed bread and WATER for body of Jesus and blood of Jesus. Well his blood could be white cause he changed water to wine,and also good for those who quit alcohols and children not drinking wine every Sunday. They let me have it no questions asked. so I had my first communion today but what happened next was interesting.yThen they took us to a room and showed a movie and said ask q?I said really?I have a lot. What is book of Moses you are quoting from not in my bible, why you say it was good that ADAm disobeyd God? They explained since Adam disobeyed we are here on earth and can do are life, mistakes,learn from it and better ourselves and � I said then if its good then did EVE tell Adam to do it? 9According to Jews and Christians it is EvE who did the first sin,in QURAN adam and eve TOGETHER did it and together blamed). They said yes and I said then a woman did a good thing and the wise thing first.Thank you Jeus for once woman did something better than man . hallelujah!! Well in Judaism the fact that woman suffers at labor time is blamed to the fact that Eve told Adam eat the forbidden fruit and here at Mormon church they were appraising EVE for that! O.K one point for mormons in my book but I do know that men were allowed to have several wives. In Mormons, Judiasm and Islam. I sked them for a meeting and said I want to ask my qs then, We are supposed to meet later. I tell you the rest of the story later�For now hope all mankind,religions and faiths get closer to each other and we all react to evil(like terrorist and Iran�s regime) wholeheartedly . AMEN!
Also I went to LA yesterday and saw Saeed Behbahani and MR. Khalili in nashre ketab,had lunch with Azi and went to dianethics meeting. In a talk with Mr. behbahani (who is a brave man to fight in the court with the regime) and Mr. Khalili we concluded the Iranian muslims are the minority with no organization to help each other and stand against the evil regime in Iran ) . also we have no choice but to get togehtehr and unite,all different religions and sects.Till later,alligator.

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