Who to blame for the bombing? followers of fake Imams.

I was reading this article suggested by discardedlies site and here is my thoughts on London Bombing.
" Of all the shattering revelations of the past few days, the worst has been that these suicide bombers were British."(go read the blog and all commnets, wish I get that many commnets ere!) . Above is a sentence from the article and my opinion on it:
Since when by being British you cant be a criminal? so full of himself!
If a race is suppressed,ignored,humiliated the next generation rises,look at Israel.
Now turn th epage; look at percentage of Muslims hired and on top positions as opposed to ridiculed in every article,paper,movie...
I like Bush's analogy,Islam is not bad,terrorists are evil. Islam is hijacked by some and rest are suffering.Idont judge all chrisyians by Oklamoham bomber,or all Jews by shien bein pizza incident. I blame the person, not religion, not nationatilty. So these terrorist could be british,could be Muslim,coulde be anything their mind was to be blamed individualy, then look at the wrong doing of the society as a whole to affect those minds.
I like the conclusion to recognize the followers of these fake Imams. and separate innocent ones from MOGHREZ ones .What do you think?.

I think my readers are too passeive!except the ones that exchange comments somewhere else!
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