Monday, July 31, 2006
She was from Guam. Dorothea Emsley....Japenese cut her throat and buried her alive, sheescaped from under the ground, wounded and bleeding went to the next village an got medical treatment.....wow wow wow I heard this story from the manage rof our lady a small and clever woman....you never know who yoummeet next and what you hear.. Dorothea Emsley was her aunt. and ooo get this her husband is japanese...now go read the artice in iranian.com by azari asal on how some marriages are bond to fart...ezdevajhaee ke be yek gooz band hastand, vali zano mard yekbar ham joloye ham nagoozidand....such life Iranians have...fake fake life..

Sunday, July 30, 2006
I met my son once again this year...so thankkful..

I went to Monterey yesterday and saw my son and his girlfrined and her sister. A very very nice day and thank God for a very niced ay. Unfortunately all my pictures went bad and only 2 pictues came allright and this si one of them.These are peopel scuba diving there. We saw the Aquarium thanks to the sister. I enjoye being with my son and thank God for that. I also had to give congratulations from the whole family for his acheivements in his education, he is one to be proud of all right. Kisses and kisses to him and his interests. About the war... it is ridiculous, Americans hate these killings of children under name of disagreement go to this site and read about it http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14101886/?GT1=8307 ..well I should tell you the story of Dorothea Emsley fm Guniea later....

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Israel kine shotori dare ,has revenge of a camel ,shame

when its too hot,Marshy goes to a cool place, now after Lilo,introducing Marshy. Israel is really playing it dumb killing so many innocent people. And those who are paid by the Jews, tell the story upside down, whatdo you do with the pictures? Like quuen Esther taht killed 70,000 Iraniand for revenge of 2 people plotting against Jews, now 2 hostages and all this blood? This is Justice Jewish style or Israeli right wing fundamentalist style? Ba rooyeshe nagozire javane che mikoni?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Daee Farhang boos boos

Daee joon,khili mahi...ta to negah mikoni kare man ah kardan ast; ey befadaye chashme to in che negah kardan ast....beautiful picture that my uncle Farhang's wife took from him last year. He left his body but his memories; and all good; are there forever. he grew these Ladans,one plant he loved and I will never forgive the evil people who let this regime in Iran stay cause that prevent me from hugging and kissing him one last time. I found out that he was not only a physician but a professor too. All his students and patients are still asking and mourning for him . may God bless his soul.Amen

Monday, July 17, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
www,world war ?

I went with Linda and we bought some fish and water lilies for her back yard. she has a small pond and jasmine and roses,all the stuff I wish I had. Well I love fish in the pond and always wanted to do a painting with fish in a water liliy pond. O.K the world is staring a war or when this conflict is over? when when when? all these countries around Israel live in peace?,thou when all of Iran couple of days ago had demo against Israel,I knew Israel is about to strike some where. You know Iran and Israel are playing a game and we all are wairting for the time freedom of Iranians from this brutal, backward regime is due....Now click on header please..