Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
This is the view you get from the train....

shojaat siri chand? vaghti nisti man havaye khoondanam nist. Bob joon is on a trip and I miss him,hope he is having a good time. I was sorry to hear the workers in Iraq were killed. I cant imagine what Bsuh is thinking? you want more proof about Iran's presence in Iraq? -Be that way as my son used to say when he was a child...

Saturday, May 27, 2006
Iran is all shook up....go to my garage sale,click

I'm all shook up oooo ye ye...today is Rodney's funeral, daee in hospital, I did teach math to a student who is 17 and had a baby! . I renewed my rent and cant wait for the wind to stop so I can go swimming. Watched Donald Trump and Oprah at a girl friend's house. Somehow dont feel writing as I used to in the beginning. Also my other student got an A, life is funny. I dont know what this pic reminds me of, and do you care? As I predicted Iran is under a lot of events and more is in the making... politics...politics....where are you Bobby joon?

Friday, May 26, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
this is how I feel today...rejections from every where...at my job I was told no class is offered next year to me and I have to fight that.. Rodney died; Daee in the hospital dying , rejected by two people and my sister says dont worry be happy...does she know that I only made 10,000 last year?the whole year?ah keh vosate tanhaee shahin dar zehn mrghaye khanegi nemigonjad...

Monday, May 22, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Lets pray for Rodney and Daee

I went to this event in town with thousands of people walking for cancer patients, those who died and those who survived and for each name was a paper holder and a candle with some sands inside. I made one for my mother (In memeory of ehr) and one for my uncle (In honor ) of him. I wrote RODNEY's name there too.CLICK ON PICTURE TO SEE IT ENLARGED.There were pictures of young and old ;men and women and different nationalities..cancer knows no boundry...It was a touching experience,all these candles light the football satdium outdoor and all people walking around it with one thought in mind, how to find a cure for cancer and when?

Friday, May 19, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Daee joon please get well soon...
I am praying for my uncle and he does look like this picture of Paul Newman, pity my mother did not know whether paul newman was the man or the woman in the first movie she went with my father as engaged couple. In those days (80 years ago) you could not date a man unless you were getting married to him). Well my uncle has a good voice and can say azan better than Marzieh and Zabihi put together.. He is a heart physician and helped so many people.. God please help him..
Sunday, May 14, 2006
After 26 years my first mother's day with my son

I waited 26 years to see my son on mother’s day and it happened yesterday….hahahah thank you God; gar sabr koni zeh ghooreh halva sazam…. Well that was quiet a patience but it happened. We went to a restaurant near the ocean in LA and him and I celebrated the Mother’s Day, his birthday and his passing the Phd exam… isn’t he handsome? Then he went with his girl friend and friends to a graduation in USC. I love it when I see clever young people,his girl friend is a clever girl too and looked good in a green dress. Well next project is to celebrate his birthday on the exact day next year, after 26 years spending his birthday with him would be exciting….well he says you do one thing you want another but I am dreaming of a thanks giving, a Christmas, his birthday …and more important my grand child’s birthday..but who knows when ? I am now happy and thankful and feel good to hear him calling me Mom; after all because of him I am Mom …God bless all children and all mothers…. Best mother's day I ever had....

Saturday, May 13, 2006
revolution was against shah but these two were executed instead,not fair....

good old days......here is Hoveyda prime minister of Iran during shsh and Dr. Parsay secraatery of eductaion at that time, both were executed by firing squad, and may 10th was the anniversary of this event. 10 Tvs nd 10 radios and women organizations and all never mentioned this on may 10th...Are there Irnianas and the others? ooooomakes me wonder...

Friday, May 12, 2006
so much for sufferage,iran-germany football;CLICK

Iran and Germany WOMEN playing football in Tehran, the German players are FORCED to wear a hijab.HERE IS ANOTHER PICTURE AND ANOTHER. Hijab is not mandatory in Islam and this regime is anti-Islam. nowhere in the world this happens,and there are bilions of muslims in the world,why the world is playing this comedy? how weak humans are against evils...how sad....

Thursday, May 11, 2006
praying with cell phone and mind somewhere else
My mind is in Iran and with my uncle.He looks like Paul Newman with blue eyes and he has salt and pepper hair from years ago,now its all white. My under uncle looks like Clark Gable.and my youngest uncle is banamak like manige says...but inside them looks like angels all of them. Maybe thats why Maybodi fooled me all these years as a good man cause he looked like my uncle.Now I am deeply sad for my uncle's fast growing brain cancer. I can not talk about it cause am deeply touched. I cant post serious stuff so just laugh at this picture.click on picture so you can read the text in arabic-farsi mixed...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
If you're not happy and you know it don't clap your hands....

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. They had to operate on this woman and the fetus grabed the hand of the doctor,,,amasing. daee joon you are the most beautiful PERSON I have ever met in my life, you are a doctor and I am sure you know better than all of us what is happening to you. I love you, I am glad I talked to you thou it was just yes and no, I wish I could see you. How much lanat I should say to khamenei or whoever that brought him to Iran. I want to see my uncle and cant stop crying. God isnt all we went thru enough>??. I also heard Rodney that is 40 only and his wife is pregnanat is in the hospital with some kind of brain problems..God save us all....It takes a very brave,knowledgable and patient man to understand God's acts. I only wish he goes peacefully OR A MIRACLE HAPPENS AND HE RETURNS.I also pray that his wife to be in good state of mind and body.aS FOR ME A GOOD MOSAKEN OR SHARABE MARD AFKAN......TRANQUILIZER OR WINE..THOU I STARTED PRAYING BUT WINE IS MAKROOH SPECIALLY AT THESE TIMES....oh I just found out (thanks to discarded lies, that when your water brakes before child birth some of the water is the pee your child was doing in your body..another amasing fact known by God before us!p;

If you eat healthy you feel better; is that a myth? these are squash from Iran and beans all organic,everything is organic in Iran and that is why it tastes good. I cant concentrate cause of my uncle having brain cancer in Iran and I cant visist him,I love him so much even if he gets angry at me...God let him live in peace and teh people around him too...amen.

Monday, May 08, 2006

In Solvang pretending to be happy while my uncleis sickin Iran, my father was sick and never saw him, then my grand ma died and never saw her grave,then mother died and never saw her grave ..now I cant take this any longer and am ready to tavel to Iran and take any risk, damn those who keep going to Iran and have no problem cause they trade with the government of Iran as anti-Islamic regime of Iran...... God help my uncle PLEASE..