Happy halloween,click

Omre man gharat shodo gharatgar as man door shod....
click here to see my condo for sale,such view..
Also go to this site and read a nice story from the femminist writer of India, who? click here

When I dare to blow the whistle, I find out that EVEN YOU don't dare to hear it. This is my daily log for this year in which I will try to flash back to my past and create a book as my biography. Being Iranian in this century means there is a lot of stories behind you . It looks these days there will be a lot ahead also.
On Thursday evening December 1, 1955, after a long day of work as a seamstress for a Montgomery, Alabama, department store, Rosa Parks boards a city bus to go home.
Tired as she is, Mrs. Parks walks past the first few — mostly empty — rows of seats marked "Whites Only." It's against the law for an African American like her to sit in these seats. She finally settles for a spot in the middle of the bus. Black people are allowed to sit in this section as long as no white person is standing. Though Rosa Parks hates the segregation laws, and has been fighting for civil rights at the NAACP for more than 10 years, until today she has never been one to break rules.
The bus continues along its route. After several more stops the bus is full. The driver notices that all the seats in the "Whites Only" section are now taken, and that more white people have just climbed aboard. He orders the people in Mrs. Parks's row to move to the back of the bus, where there are no open seats. No one budges at first. But when the driver barks at the black passengers a second time, they all get up. . . except for Rosa Parks.
Click on header and see another picture of her, when she did the brave act.Next move is expalined in the mentioned site at the end of this posting. Brave women like her are needed in the world, Love you Mrs. Park . Please go to this site and read more about her. She died at 92 years old yesterday. http://teacher.scholastic.com/rosa/. Now we are waiting for some brave women in Iran to do the brave act of refusing to wear a mandatory hijab and take it out in a bus or public place. How sad, the act is simple but SOCEITY,God DAMN Society is preventing it. How long more do we have to wait, all diplomats of the world?
Jaleh send me this site for Shah and all presidents of USA, for those who like it click on this site: http://www.parstimes.com/history/shah_us/ Tomorrow is the shah's birthday and the day Queen Soraya died, a powerful LOVE story.
And see this one http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/10/25/turk.letters.reut/index.html
I guess this is what we all wish to have, the lover adore us! Now read this about love paradise day or valentine's day in Israel and then read this strange story I heard . Before that did you know that Saddam's lawyer was killed? click on header .
Now the article on Romance day:
Tel Aviv braces for 8th annual 'Love Parade'
Hundreds of thousands of revelers are expected to take part in the eight annual 'Love Parade' in Tel Aviv on Friday.
Due to the parade, several roads will be closed to traffic. The Herbert Samuel Promenade will be closed until 7 p.m., between Sheleg and Koifman.
From 9:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. the following streests will be closed to traffic on both directions: Ha'Yarkon, Koifman, from Jerusalem Blvd and Rokah Street, between Even Gvirol and Ha'Yarkon .
Now maybe some Iranians only will understand this true story I heard.
FIRST I lost some of my old pictures when I left Iran and some more when I shipped them from Switzerland to America. This lady told me when she was 4 years old she,her mother, her grandma and 2 brothers and a servant were going to Tabriz to join their father,a MILITARY man. It was 1324 in Iran and Tabriz and Pishevari and Russian soldiers and English soldires were all in Azarbayjan part of Iran. Midway Russian soldiers stopped them and put a rifle on their chests and said give us all you have. She said I had a doll with porcelain face and they took it from me. That made her really sad. Her granma spoke Turkish to them and they said give ALL,every ring or belonging to us and kiss goodbye your furniture that was in the other train. She was cold,scared and the servant was constantly crying. She said we got a taxi to police station in MIANEH and that taxi had no windshield and it was cold. Suddenly an English truck came to their rescue and towed their taxi to a coffeshop on the road. From there they got to Tabriz,they did not even have underwears and had to buy material to make EVERYTHING from scratch. Pishewary ordered her father to stay home for a year and dont come out. Then after a year said come and pick some furniture from what we confiscated from people and her father said no I dont take people's stuff. They gave them 20000 tomans which was a lot of money for that time and they restarted life after a year of hardship. IN THAT YEAR AN EARTHQUAKE HAPPENED,HER MOTHER FELL INTO A WELL IN THE KITCHEN AND ALMOST DIES AND THE FATHER WAS A PRISONER. NOW WHATEVER HAPPENS SHE SAYS I HAVE SEEN WORSE,BUT ONE THING CANT MATCH ANY OTHER EVENT AND THAT IS LOOSING OLD PICTURES...AND HOW TRUE. NOW go and take a picture with your loved one, a good picture and tell the stories in your hearts to your children before you loose your memory. Thanks for sharing that true story with me, and letting me say it. I did hide everybodys identity but I love telling stories.....Lets thank God for what we have today..Love and kisses to all of you,
I have a friend that even when she wants to eat salad she says lets have romance with salad! I laugh a lot and think what is real romance?Why moonlight and ocean , some fire and candle makes us feel romantic? For me candle does NOTHING but mahtab(moonlight at full moon) does it. I remember we were all going to sahra(desert) in Damavand, Iran when I was so little that they had to carry me(around 7 years old). The grown ups had a topaz record player and were playing songs in middle of sahra under the moonlight and dancing tango! I was scared and crying and my uncle had to carry me. I was scared of walking in dark and scared that a snake would bite me! I liked the light of the full moon spread all over the sahara, while being carried and secure. I never kissed anybody in moonlight, in Iran I was not allowed to date anybody and here if I went to can cun it was with Maryam or her mother or was fighting! I hope that happen to me before I have my artificial teeth and cant kiss properly anymore!! wishful thinking? maybe....
Now click on header and see a beautiful autumn view,I miss that in Virginia. I don't mind kissing somebody I love in bright daylight either.ummm something tells me I miss some romance,after all it is 6 years I have not touched a male ! Also when you see a new posting check back in one hour,I change a lot in the first hour and add links and stuff,dont miss the fun!! Now go and take your love to a moonlight event and daste raste shoma zire sare ma!!( meaning hope you pray that I get the same soon, but literally translating I said yuor right hand under my head, go figure why it means that, it just does,don't argue with proverbs!)
Also stupid ahmadinejad bans the hollywood movies for their usage of alcohol and drugs, they have streets of Iran ful of druggies and dont need to import from Hollywood I suppose;-)!
Iran's governmnet should go before blood is shed,but somehow they are related to Dracula AND LOVE BLOOD. CLICK ON HEADER AND SEE A PRETTY SUNSET. Also Shirin go to this picture and get some ideas on ghatreh and draw me one befor ei die!!
go watch the above vedio.
Also click here to see a discussion in discarded lies about Iran. Interesting that the most UN or EU does is write letters for 26 years against Iran. bache gool mizanand. please read the commnets too. C'est tout.
Hurray Oprah ....
o.k if you dont feel like any of the above subjects then either click on header to see a fruit or here to remember finding Nemo.