Saturday, April 30, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
My father's poem for Mossadegh's struggle to nationalize the OIL Co.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I sat in the same room with Michael Jackson the whole day today!

Shirin and others, go to MJJSOURCE.COM and that is the officail site of Michael jackson,its great!o.k.the yellow sticker above is my pass to Michael jackson's trial! Today my number was drawn and I sat in the courtroom with Michael jackson!! In the same room. He is gorgeous,thin,fit and charming. He even looked into my eyes and waved at me from the other side of the room. Here were the witnesses today,you wont believe it: First Hamid Moslehi /click on the name or cut/paste this address and read his testimony in court. vediographer of MJ family was on the stand! of all people a Persian! This Moslehi(God knows if he is Lili's family!) was claiming he wants more money from Michael jackson, and he did the vedio with Mobasher?Guy that harmed MJ. but testified that claim of that woman that tehy read froma script was a lie.
Then bunch of telephone company people came to testify, some cell phone calls, that nobody understood why that was discussed,the only thing we figured was that they showed a lot of peoples SSN,Phone number and seemded the prosecutor does not care for people's reputation or peivacy, same as they dont care about MJs reputation either. At last his x-wife(Deborah Rowe) click on name or go to came to stand, she was obviously after money and had no heart for her children. She married Michael to have children with him,never lived with him in the same place and signed stuff,got some money and left. According to the contarct she signed she had nothing to do with raising the children and had 2 kid this way! Now she said she never sAW the children and God knows why she made 2 kids for Mj if it was that difficult. She also SAID THAT SHE NEVER WATCHED THE VIDEO SHE MADE TO PROTECT MJ'S NAME(PHOTOGRAPHER WAS MOSLEHI) ,BUT SHE CLAIMS SHE MISSED HER CHILDREN!. One would watch that video ten times if was missing the kids. Media may make a Mother Mary out of her, but the whole row that I was in did not buy it and $$ was written all over her . We had 3 breaks and at every break we would line up and see Micheal from 5 steps in front of us and he would wave at us. I hope God help him and his family seemed sincere. I agree that MJ is weird, like Picaso was weird, and most artists are, but he is not a child abuser to me, thou Woody Allan did worst, raping the girl they adopted and later marry her and divorce Mia Faro!!!! I did not see this much controversy over that. I have a haunch as most people in court did, he is innocent. lets see . Some people had arm bands but in the court was forbidden to wear a band,talk to him or touch him. We could only wave back if he waved at us ,or say good morning which his mother did. Michael, beat it,beat it. I heard that I have a twisted world?this blog is stupid? fine, I enjoyed the day and here is a kiss to all specially to Michael that I enjoy watching dance and sing as an artist! BOOOOOOOS!click on the title and see the view on a road behind where I live, breathtaking ha? If I only find another job!!!( I know I should of searched for a job,but yesterday got 3 rejections,one for being over 40, so I paused today to gain back my esteem).
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
When I dare to blow the whisle,I find out that even you don't dare to hear it!

I saw Michael jackson yesterday. I went to court to pay a ticket and he was in his car and waved at me .I love his music and think he is innocent. Hope its proven. This is for Shirin so that all postings are not political!!!!Please help to figure out father's poem,scroll down for the poem and comments pelase.

Monday, April 25, 2005
Can anybody read this poem for me?

Click on the picture you can read it better. Click on header you see a joke site on how to date a person with hijab! . Can anybody read this poem and translate it?I found this on a piece of paper with my father's hand writting but cant read all of it, I guessed it and typed it but some parts I can not guess .HELP!! Please comment as anonymous and write in latin characters I can figure it out! oR YOU CAN EMAIL IT TO SOMEONE YOU THINK KNOWS IRANIAN POEMS.ALSO I AM GETTING NEGATIVE COMMENTS I NEED SOME COMMENTS FROM THE SILENT PEOPLE WHO READ THIS TO GET ENERGY TO GO ON.Thanks;
P.S.don't know why I like to recite,khoshbakht anke kore khar amad,olagh raft as my father used to say, lucky those who were born as a donkey an dleft this world as an ass.

Saturday, April 23, 2005
Hamid died.

Today I decided to accept the fact that Hamid died. I have postponed that fact till now, years after his death since I figured I could not take it.
Hamid is my cousin ,my father's sister's son, o.k Dr.parsays son,we have to say that? These are my memories of Hamid and I need to talk about it to accept it. First the above picture is Hamid and I and his daughter playing the piano. Thank God her back is to us so I dont have to get permission from anybody! This picture is taken in his house in Niavaran,Tehran. The same house my aunt was arrested in .
Hamid was the most intellectual man I ever met,knew everything,could solve the most difficult mathematical equations in a minute, would take part in Kounkoor ( way worst than GMAT+SAT+phd entry exams put together) without preparation. He was amasing. When we were children we were neighbors and we were always swimming. In their house was a pool but in those days there was no system of filtering and taking care of the pool stuff,as of result this pool was al;ways dirty and the color of the water was greenish! So if one would go under water he could of not been seen. Hamid would go under water and all of us(Shahla,Nahid,Farzad,Mahshid,Navid,Farhad, and any guest present) had to guess which corner he will come out of! He would take minutes and would go to all corners we could not see anything except the white fish(mahi sefide) which was a big fat red fish turned white and always in that pool. Whoever guessed right would win and I remember his brownish/almost black in summer sun and water pouring from his back.
In those days we did not know that we both go to Purdue,that I be the one bringing his mothers fire squad news , .. In those days we just swam,laughed,ate the fruits from the trees and in the evenings we performed for the parents, Hamid was the director.
I had to pause. I drove to the beach and I am sitting on a parks bench,lots of birds,pelicans are in front of me. middle of the ocean is a piece of wood and some birds are sitting on it. I love this thou gradually feel like I miss having a partner. Some family is making BBQ and the train rail is nearby. I wonder where Emily Dickenson is now? the woman I met last week.
O.k I was telling Hamids story. My cousin,brother,friend he was so distanced and so near at the same time. He hated writing,loved reading. As we grew up he helped us with our math questions, we made fun of him because he would spend his weekly allowances (poole haftegi) to buy Mickey Spillane Mike Hammer books(click on title), and we on food(tokhme aftab gadroon,mash mirzastore,or ice cream from falakeh), he did something once and that was since I was sucking my thumb till God knows how long, way into school ,he put my two thumbs in his mouth and I felt its not clean and stopped sucking my thumb! Go figure why!
Then he left for America to go to Purdue university,after 3 years I was sent to Indiana,but to Earlham. I went to visit him at Purdue,he was the roommate of aliali. I met Ghassem,Majid,Amir (who later married Bahmans sister)Bijan,and Rooja (my friend who came there to visit me). I applied for a scholarship, I got it and transferred to Purdue. At the end of second year I met Bahman, and year after married him. Hamid left Purdue by then .
He would go take the physics test of aliali and get an A without studying,but would not go to his own classes. At that time confederation of Iranian students became very strong. Poor hamid, his mother was secretary of education,his father was a generl in army and all students were against generals in the army and secrataries of shahs cabinet. He did not know where to go and what to say,but all loved him, and me more ethan others.
I would make him angry sometimes like I asked Majid to give me a ride to Chicago to got to embassy and Hamid said how much do you know this guy? why do you ask him a favor? I guess if my brother was there he would of said the same thing but I was right trusting Majid,up to this day he never said a wrong word,or approach me or anything, he always been a good friend.
After hamid left Purdue and returned to Iran, I came to Iran for summer vacation, some suitors visited me at my house and once hamid,Ghassem and I went to a movie together(ragbar movie). I thanked Hamid for that since in Iran,being a virgin thou at 2rd year of university, could not date anybody. If he did not accompany us I could not see Ghassem. But Ghassem became a member of confederation,hated us thinking we are pro shah,thou we were simple people and only after the advancement of women. I did not talk to Ghassem after that and the last time I talked to him was after my divorce and after the revolution ,I called him on the phone, after hello and finding out he is married and has a child, he said havent they captured your aunt?(by her name) and said when are they going to kill her(working for the shah) I was so angry and that was the last time. Later I heard he died in an dargiri khiabani.. or next to jebhe Iraq zone. Whoever has more info tell me,but somehow he really hurt me with such quick judgement, typical of confederation young and hot students.
But that is how the atmosphere was and poor Hamid had to take it harder. That summer when I came back to Iran I brought a magazine(2 pages) of a confederation newspaper.I hide it in a Hair record,inside the cover. I passed the airport and when we got home I gave it to my father. He was furious,thou he himself wasan enghelabi,when my turn came he ws angry and worried for my safety!He immediately left to my aunts house and gave it to her. She was at that time in the shahs cabinet and would see Hoveyda the prime minister every day. She gave that to Hoveyda. Later in the ordoo camp(every summer I would go to ordoo), when Hoveyda and my aunt came together to visit,they called me and I sat in front of them on the floor (casual at seaside) I heard my aunt told Hoveyda,she is the one who brought that paper. Hoveyda always carried a cain with him, he lifted it and made a jesture as if he wants to hit me, and said nutty girl and a reporter of Ayandegan took a picture,that became the first page of Ayandegan and title was Prime minister goes to training camp(ordooye tarbiati) I wish I had that picture.
O.k in that paper the students were asking for the overthrow of shah,hoveyda and all his cabinet, meaning my aunt too. Hamid and I would read those stuff and say but ammeh joon(her mother)is a good person,educated,every day from 6am would go to work and come home late with more work in her hands, who do we believe? Thou deep in my heart I did not want a king and wish he was a president,changed every 4 years, but . 5 years after that picture the revolution happened,shah and his cabintet were overthrowm hoveyda,my aunt ,and lots of others killed by firing squad, and a regime WAAYYYY worst that shah,came to power, HOMENI_KHAMWENEI. I still want a president but not for that price!
O.k I was talking about Hamid. He stayed in Iran and years passed, he got married had children.Until the revolution happened and my mother went to Hamids house to see my aunt , and the revolutionary guards came and took his mother. I went there while the guards were still there and Hamid said, I asked mother to leave from the small wall behind the house and she refused. Then the days of going to prison and visiting her came, Hamid would go every time with Timsar his father. After couple of months we heard on the radio that she was executed by firing squad. In those days early in the morning you would listen to the radio and if someone was executed it was announced. That morning nothing was announced so Hamid and Timsar were getting ready to go to prison to visit my aunt. At 10 am the phone rang,it was Nazi my friend,she said my mother just passed out on the couch,she heard the news I said what news,she is fine, and president Bani sadr last night gave her afv(forgiveness) and radio this morning did not announce actually Hamid and Timsar were getting ready to go to prison to give her the afv news. At that time kourosh my uncle's son came upstairs to our house and said short and casual.they shot her. what?
Phone dropped from my hand, mother and grandma sat on the floor of the kitchen, my uncle's wife joined us and for a long time we were all just sighing oh oh ah my grand ma from my mothers side could not talk for 3 days after that. Mother said I have to go to timsars house and tell them not to go to prison. I said I come with you, we wore black clothes,hoping that would give them a sign and we dont have to give them the news.(now that I think of it such a dangerous thing we did,driving while we were out of this world of sorrow). I was worried for Hamid a lot.
When we arrived Hamid was coming down the stairs and just came out of shower,ready to go to prison. They said what? We did not dare telling them, we knew timsar's friend was on his way to their house to break the news, so we said wait till timsar get here and then go to prison, something happened,they asked she is freed? we said we dont know. They chose not see our black clothes,our crying eyes, cause that is how hopeful human beings are. Then Timsar M arrived, he was crying full fac,e full of tears. He did not have to say anything. I jumped and hold Hamid and hold him tight, we all cried.
Next worry was how to tell Mahshid his sister since she was pregnant and was flying from Abadan to join them to go to prison for a visit with them. I dont remember what happened next,somehow the driver nejati went and got her stuff from prison, big crowd showed up at her ceremony and nobody was scared of attending it ..
I took Hamid to a friends house days after,I was hoping we plan something but you see we are not like the pasdars, we just swallowed our anger, hoping God take care of them in due time. Hamid stayed in Iran and I left after my divore for America. Last time I saw him is in the picture above. I wrote him a letter months before his death and said how are you or maybe called him .His best friend was Bijan one of the Purdue guys. They always had dore at his house and played cards, did some business.Minoosh told me Hamid had some salad Olivier that night. Then had heart attack at night, drove himself to the hospital and died there.
When I heard the news of his death it was so grave for me that I chose to ignore it. I said I am here in America and he is in Iran and we did not communicate too much anyway so lets pretent he is still alive ,butI knew one day I had to believe it and today is that day. Hamid joon God bless you, I love you, see you in heaven with all my questions about math, how to fly a plane,estekak,arashmidos,and which corner of the pool you decide to come out of. Ghorboone dele mazloomet beram.

Friday, April 22, 2005
Purdue Gang and my marriage!

from left to right, My aunt, Bahman,myself,Touri joon(Bahman's mother) BaHMAN and I met AT Purdue university,who introduced us? majid. where is he? in maryland with his wife shirin,not a purdue grad,but we take her as one. I met Bahman when majid came to my floor in graduate house building and asked whetehr I want to go to dinner. I said no an I noticed that the guy next to him got sad. I asked myself why is he sad instead of Majid! who is majid?roommate of Ghassem,who is Ghassem,I explained before ,go to archive,another Purdue Grad,where is he? dead in a revolution struggle he died as a confederation pro. Well then I found out that guy Bahman liked me and asked Majid to take me out so he can know me better. Then we met and ...Why did i marry him ,cause he was very kind and took care of me when I was sick. how did he propse?once when he returned from visitinghis American girfriend(Kerry), I decided to say bye, as we were crossing the buildings to go to Nasser's house, in the parking lot he said I decided to marry you! I wanted to say no,cause was angry of him visiting another girl, but had to say yes cause he propose!! you see at that age you learn to get married to a nice guy and that he was,specially comapred to others I met in life later..I thought his father was a simple sherkat nafti(employee of oil company) but he was secretary of defence,they were Bahais ,we were Muslims, they were rich,we were average. we were different,but tried.o.k I tell that later since now my landlord's boyfriend fixed me a strong drink and they are watching TV and I am half drunk with this tequila. o.k lets tell you all the purdue girls and guys and where they are now. I will censor some stuff since somebodys husband may read these and am not sure what she told him here they are from oldest to youngest, their husbands ad wives and their cars since it was an event if any student had a car! (COMMENT IF YOU KNOW MORE OR HAVE DIFFERENT INFORMATION).DO you wanna know who had a crush on who? COMMENT and ASK!! or tell in comnets parts.
- satari pour, he was a turk and married monir later with blue eyes and white skin.had a yellow mustang?
-Bijan,married minoosh, a beautiful half sWISS GIRL called minoosh, he also developed fingerprint, he is now in Iran and sometimes texas.Has 2 daughters.
-Marmar she was tall,pale and sharp,sudied economics,maybe in Va now,dont know whether married
-Nahid,2 other Purdue grads decribed her,I never met but has blue eyes and beautiful ,turk and married to Alireza,lives in LA,one son,one daughter??
-Kami, khanoom monshi,Iran,one child?
- Naser,?
-Hamid, my Cousin,manige,one son one daughter
-Bahman,my ex-husband,Canada,now married to a christiene?got a porsche in the end,3 sons from 3 different marriages.
- Reza, married jaleh thatI love a lot ,she is better than Purdue grads!china,had a nice car,3 daughters
-abbas cheshm ghavi,navy guy,taugh me how to drive
-abbas cheshm rize,navy guy
-ali ali, shaparak khahare fati,NJ,haid's roommate
-mash Rahim
-Majid,shirin,MD,had a 200dollarr car,now he is a millionaire, 2 sons
-Ghassem, dead,had a camaro,one child?
-shahla,? confederation activist,CA?friend of Ghassem
-dana,husband died
-vahid,met his wife in VA,he and I drove Bahman's porsche and hit a tree!!!2 children?sons?
-bijan mobaser??
-Reza hariri?? in Iran
-Roya,CA, one son
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Happy Birthday again Bobby Joon!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Click here to see more on Abadan

Abadan with taxis of khoramshar-abadan(black ones!)
and now the people have no water,electricity and a lot
of killing and unrest.
This is where I was born and I feel for it and hope
all gets well.
-did you hear the plane CRASHED in Iran?
-was it military?
-dont know its was coming from kish
-planes in Iran are bad,never fixed
- I think saying one child is missing is fishy,
they have not really counted the number of injured
- zano bache
-well I think maybe its distracting ,maybe it was
military after all
-I just guessed
-listen,who did this plane belong to?
- Rafsanjani,SAHA
-Great,hahahahah atleast something is good about it!
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Thank you Emily Dickenson,happy birthday bobey joon!

click on header
I went to surf station on Friday 6pm. I was thinking I can not rest this weekend, this is babak(my son’s) birthday and I drove 3000 miles to live in the same state and also spend the birthday with him. If you scroll down you see that the last time I saw him on his birthday was 20 some years ago. That picture is in a hotel in
I called MY SON and he said his girl friend was coming over but the next day is a picnic and all parents and friends come over and I can join. I said o.k immediately, it did not matter that it was 6:30 pm and there is 6-7 hours of drive. I knew I could not rest in this town and had to be closer to him. I told that woman I am going close to
We started to drive towards north. She said she left
Then I checked into this hotel. When I woke up in the morning I saw this sign(posted above,a Gun show) and figured it was a dangerous area,I also took all soap and shampoo and some of my make up and drove back to train station to see whether she was there to give them to her. There was no sign of her. Then I continued towards my son’s place.
I got there at 10:30 called him and he was at police dog show. I waited for the bus to take me there. While waiting I saw a dance done by some students, it was interesting and at some point one dancer would shout at the other, “ stop it, stop it” ,what you hear as a child for a million times(Sophia was repeating that to Tye in LA too). So I watched them and liked that a lot, as to how many times you heard “ bas kon, khafe sho” as a child. Then I joined my son and his girl friend and was too happy but tried to act casual as if nothing happened, but me so close to his birthday and be with him?. Yes there was no cake or anything but I knew its his birthday,I knew I am getting close to having a normal relation with my son… So I was happy they let me be with them, we walked a lot and I was telling myself amadi janam be ghorbanat vali hala chera,hal keh oftadeam as pa chera.(You came atlast but why now that I cant walk.. a famous poem..) anyway I saw his office with lasers, HE IS WAAAAY BETTER THAN ME, a student passes us and says to my son “hey your lecture was great, “ I got goose bumps? That was the highlight of the day. He said his old girl friend called and she is coming over too! I said that is a special situation I am at. Last time I met her, I was married, her parents were married and my son was dating her. Now I am divorced, her parents are divorced and my son and her are not dating either!! I was sorry to hear that her mother had cancer. I also met my son’s girlfriend’s sister. She was nice. We watched the dog show first, then this laser showing the music in a dark room . I hope he explains that further to me since I did not get it.
Then when I saw his office I was so proud, had to do esfand… anyway whoever reads this throw some esfand in fire for me (CHESM NAZANAM!) I DROVE BACK AT 3PM CALLED MY EX AND SAID PLEASE, I want to have a real birthday with cakes and candles and both of us present, we owe that to him, to us, to our life… as usual he laughed outloud and said o.k but whether it materializes, God knows. To be continued….

Thursday, April 14, 2005
ok sorry , now whats the name of khamenei's wife?
Also WHAT IS THE PICTURE on your computer when you turn it on? mine?click on the title and you see mine.tell me what is yours? just describe it,flower,cat,dog,baby,scenery?? I wont write till we communicate.2 questions(nazar sanji) 1-what is the name of khamenei's wife 2- what is the picture on your idle screen(default)?
Thanks to owner of these lilies picture,who? read comments of previous entry and visit his web site.!!!!(for Zork!)
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Does anybody know the name of Khamenei's wife?

CLICK on the title and see the picture! Please answer thru commnets. I wish you knew when you were voting to Kahamenei / khatami you also voted for saeed Mortazavi, the killer of Ziba Kazemi. Please write letters to and ask the president to help free Iran from mandatory hijab, tortures, poverty...

P.S. Please if you dont have the political knowledge(shoore siasi), dont vote,its a crime if you vote when you dont know about politics,capish?
p'.s'. KHAHAM ZE KHODAYE KHISH KONJI KEH DAR ON MAN BASHAMO ONKASI KEH MAN MIKHAHAM!(FOR THE ABOVE PICTURE! I am asking my God to give me a corner to be with the one I desire)
Monday, April 11, 2005
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Camille had to wait for years for Prince Charles to figure out that he loves her more than others!!Camille gave hope to older women!
Friday, April 08, 2005
Me and Pasquale in good old days at service center Atlantic city!

Kasi keh vaghte raftan dobare ashegham kard, mano abad kardo khodesh viroon shod as dard!
The one who made me fall in love again at the time of departure, the one who developed me, but destroyed himself with sorrow, or vice-vera!!!!yani mishe ham keh vaghte raftan zane khodesh viroon beshe va marde ra abad konad,vice-versa!

Thursday, April 07, 2005
The story of Naneh and kashfe hijab that Mother told me
Mother told me the story of Naneh on the day Reza Shah announced women should not wear a veil anymore. I remember mother was almost in her dying bed at my brother Farzad's house in Reston Virginia and we were looking outside the window at the birds. She said this neighbour is getting all the birds, Farzad should buy a bird feeder and attract all the birds to his house. I was so sad and busy with washing her clothes and going 3 stories down to the basement then bringing ensure and some fruit 3 stories up to her and she not eating anything. She was in bed with cancer at almost last stages and I was driving everyday for a month or two from Falls Church to take care of her. My brother Farzad would say "we have everything for mother we just don't have Adam!" In Iran we used to call the servants, Adam, I don't know why!
So I was the Adam those days. I wasn't listening and asking what do you want now? Should I bring some ice with it? would you drink it then? She said no listen to me. I want to tell you a story and I want you to write it down. I know you are a good writer and one day you will be (I repeated in my brain, president of the world!) She used to say that always, sometimes I think she used to say that to each and everyone of us! Anyway I was folding clothes and could listen. I said I will if you eat something. She said don't say shabby dabby things (chartopart nagoo). I said o.k tell me.
She said when the radio announced that no woman should ever go outside with a chador (the cover as hijab religious women use to wear) we first had difficulty sending somebody to buy Maman (my grandma, her mother) a hat, so that she would wear that from then on. Then the next day we saw Naneh sitting next to the door and crying. We said what is wrong she said I want to go to the public bath (hamam oomoomi) and I used to put my clothes in a bag under my arm and under my chador and go there, now how am I GOING TO TAKE A BATH? The whole house gathered and said what are we going to do with Naneh and how are we going to take her to hamam? It was 3 blocks away. My grandpa never drove in his life. He had a servant and a pishkar (a secretary?) called Foolad Khan. They asked Foolad khan to accompany Naneh, to take her to public bath. Naneh would not set her foot outside the house. She thought she was naked and also God would take her to hell. She was so uncomfortable and she was crying.
My mother was telling me the rest of the story, but my mind was somewhere eles. She just solved a long time question I had. You see my mother never wore a chador, you saw her picture in Abadan dancing in a bashgah, but she would ALWAYS wear a chador to public bath. I used to ask myself what is so precious and MOGHADDAS about hammam that she only wears a chador there. Now I got it, since she loved Naneh so much, the way she got hurt affected her so much that she, in a subconscious revenge, always wore a chador to public bath. That is why anything mandatory is wrong. Hijab should be a choice. I will NEVER understand those who choose to have hijab, make their hands unavailable and make movement and life harder, but those like Naneh who want to have a choice of having it, should have it.
I don't know if mother wanted me to write it this way but if I had to tell that story, this is the way I would write it, now my brother on behalf of my mother could write a comment and criticize me.. You see I have become zede zarbe2 after what I heard on this radio and that, on this divorce and that, on this regime and that! Women of the world,unite and ask for choice not dictation of some old rules upon you.
Kashfe hijab refers to the mandatory removing of the veil (a law imposed to Iranian women by Reza Shah Pahlavi).
1. Javooneh - the young one.
2. Zede zarbe - nothing can bend me.
by Guest Author in cry of the peacock at April 7, 2005 01:58 PM
They Look Alike!
Also comments about mother's words and habits are getting interesting,I get emails and post them on the site of color of skin of a lion with a watermelon picture. scroll down you get to it!Shahla just send some stuff about her.
P.S Thanks to Greg for managing these pictures, who is a master of networking and cakes,specially carrot cakes(Maria,my landlord's beau-fiance?)
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
engar ba man as hame kas ashena tari-Dariush (It seems as if you are the closest to me than all others-a persian song )

This is what happens when you are facing the sun. It was a sin in Iran at that time to take a picture not facing the sun! As of result most pictures came out as one eye open! I guess you can tell which one is my mother ,far left. I am behind my sister . My sister is wearing a new yellow dress shown in full which would be mine in a week. She would spend weeks to sew a dress,even getting the buttons from Bazzar and would pass it to me after once or twice of wearing it!! I went visit my brother and his family and had a lot of fun playing with my nephew. I cant show any pictures but it was fun and beautiful. We went to where mother used to go every year with a lot of flowers. o.k back to this picture, I have soooo much memories in that house, the tree behind us was a SHATOUT(berries ) tree and there was always a cat on that wall.!!

Shirin, go to this site and read all about Michael Jackson. His fans had a demo for 2 days all wearing gold armbands and in front of court shouting he is innocent or leave him alone or Michael's the best-down with the press and stuff .This site is cool too MJ site
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Condolences to those who loved him,I did in a way

Here is Prince charles(The adulterer at that time!)and lady diana visiting pope. I heard about his death this morning and had an IM conversation with a friend. I post that since I am going away for 2 days let you discuss that till I get back. Hope its o.k with my friend since I told him I may post it! A lot of stuff he says is true but something about him makes me like him a lot. I expect a catholic to act catholic!! Thanks MDGF!
Royaparsay: are yu going to church since pope died??
kianb2: lol no
kianb2: you?
kianb2: pope died?
kianb2: it's not possible
kianb2: he is living
kianb2: just stopped breathing
Royaparsay: hahah
Royaparsay: my roommmate is catholic and she is up with children going to church
kianb2: well i think it's the best time for a reform in rome , they gotta choose the pop for the 21st century
kianb2: pope john pole was a tyrant
Royaparsay: I go later as usual. I like religious discussion and we have a my brother would call that waste of time. I only have to look for a job and go towork 8-5 to make hiim happynh
Royaparsay: yes pope was a tyrant
kianb2: he was a was a fierce opponent of women becoming priests, homosexuality, priest marriages, birth control pills or even the use of condom.
kianb2: if any other institution in Europe but Vatican had advocated such inhuman practices, the European parliament and the free world would have confronted them to the end.
kianb2: but for pope , it was ok
Royaparsay: jean paul sartre once said depends on who you ask your question from.a catholic pope has to take that position
kianb2: yes, and a dictator like saddam hossein has to gas his own people
kianb2: it's always like this
kianb2: Now is the time for the free world to press the Vatican, to choose a much more moderate pope, suitable for the 21 century.
Royaparsay: are they doing that with Israel?
Royaparsay: their fundamentalists wont let women touch the torah!
kianb2: i am not a supporter of any fondumentalist on any religion
kianb2: but in this example you are giving, not touching torah will not make you die
kianb2: but do u know how many people have lost their lives, how many homosexuals were harassed, and alter boys were raped, because of the Holy Father_s medieval theories.
Royaparsay: I am sure khakhams are the first to oppose homosexuality too when they are harsher than pope not letting women ...on top of all the things pope agreed with.
kianb2: after all , pope was a good friend with khomeini
Royaparsay: I just found out the time change. HAve to get ready. can I post this conversation on my blog?
kianb2: lol
Royaparsay: serious!
kianb2: listen, didn't pope kissed koran?
kianb2: and made a bigf big controversy
Royaparsay: I dont know, if I wanna be harsh on pope I have to be harsh on all religious leaders
kianb2: well i have evidence that he did
Royaparsay: xtreme is bad everywhere
kianb2: Pope Is Dead, Long Live Reform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Royaparsay: I have evidence that religious leadres in Israel wont let you go to buses and sit next to men, and have to wear a veil to go next to wall of NODBEH!! that is a crime .they also wont let abortion,homosexuality.. I dont hear you blame them?mme
kianb2: if that is true, that is not good too, but it doesn't make pope's intolerance and bigotry less
Royaparsay: if khomeini would do half of what pope did would be good. he went to india and hughed mother q how can I copy one of the pictures aol is posting now pope,charles and diana?? right click wont do it
kianb2: pope liked publicity stunt
kianb2: if you right click and nothing happens then they disabled it
kianb2: please go to another site
kianb2: and find it somewhere else
Royaparsay: ok,my friend pope just died yesterday a lot of people are sad. Argue next week today is sensitive ok?
kianb2: ok
kianb2: i am really amazed from latin americans
kianb2: the christianity came and raped their ancestors and converted all of them in blood in the name of jesus
Royaparsay: what matters is now, they are now happy with Jesus,let them be!
Royaparsay: I really have to go!
Royaparsay: bye

Friday, April 01, 2005

LEO Ochoa took this picture from a statue in NY Museum of art! this is a woman with a veil! This is when slavary of women started . We all have faces as human beings ,why should women faces be hidden? Weakness of men is ruling the world since then, and IRAN is taking advatage of an old Jewish rule to the Max. in an Islamic country,how tangled a web can get???